Chapter Forty-Four

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It was late morning when we got back to the Chateau

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It was late morning when we got back to the Chateau. We had spent all night looking for John B, checking surf spots, the Boneyard, The Wreck, and the different docks we usually frequented.


I couldn't even make it all the way to the house I was so exhausted. I stopped at the dock, sat down by the swimming ladder, and let my feet dangle over the water.

I felt the need to cry and scream and curse out every living thing, but I didn't have the energy or the will to do it.

I felt someone sit down beside me. I turned, expecting it to be JJ, but I was surprised to see John B sitting next to me.


He cut me off by pulling me into a hug.

Neither of us said anything, just sat in silence. Kiara and JJ eventually joined us. John B laid back onto a pile of life jackets while Kiara and JJ sat on the rails of the dock. I stayed where I was with my feet in the water.

John B told us everything. He told us how Ward let it slip about knowing about Redfield and that's how John B figured out that he killed our dad. He said that he went to talk to Ms. Lana, and she told him that it was accident but he still covered it up. John B said he went back to the Crain house this morning, but all of the gold was gone.

"You sure he got everything?" Kiara asked softly, and I just stared down at the small waves that lightly bounced my feet.

"Every bar. The whole enchilada."

I heard John B grunt and caught him sliding off his cast out of the corner of my eye.

I looked back onto the water.

"Look, it's not like I expected a happy ending or some shit."

"John B-"

"What, Kie? It's a hairline fracture. Who cares?"

"You should care. Your arm's gonna be messed up for life."

"It's fine. See?"

I scoffed when I saw him wiggling his fingers.


I turned fully around to see Pope running down the dock, still in his interview suit.

"Oh, oh. Oh, God. I ran all the way here," he panted, doubling over to try and catch his breath.

"Yeah, I can tell."

"How was the interview, Pope?" JJ asked, and I shook my head and looked back at the water, still pissed about last night.

"Don't ask. JB, Jo. Look, I'm sorry, dudes. About everything."

"It's fine," John B answered, but I stayed silent.

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