Chapter Forty-Six

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"John B, what are we doing at the police station?" JJ asked from across from me in Kiara's car

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"John B, what are we doing at the police station?" JJ asked from across from me in Kiara's car.

Kiara was driving, Pope and John B occupied the back seat, while JJ and I sat in the trunk.

"Somebody's gotta tell them what happened."

Pope started coughing as he took another hit from JJ's Jule, and I rolled my eyes. The last thing we needed was for Pope to be high for the first time.

"Easy there, chief," JJ laughed. "Damn."

I watched in silence as JJ leaned on the middle seat as he talked to John B.

"Alright, I'm just gonna be real with you right now. You might end up in the lion's den, but you don't go there on purpose. It's fundamental. Just like my old man always told me, you should never ever trust cops, no matter what the circumstance is."

"Your old man's an abusive liar," Kiara said, turning in her seat to glare at JJ.

"Yeah, so forgive me if I don't listen to his advice," I added, tapping the back of JJ's calf with my foot.

"I agree with JJ," Pope spoke up. "Fuck the police."

"You goin' to the dark side now?" Kie sassed, while I gave JJ a pointed look.

"He's not exactly giving your words any credibility right now."

"When's the last time the police ever helped us?"

"Peterkin did. She looked out for John B and I a lot recently. She tried to warn us about going down to Scooter's wrecked boat, and now she's dead."

My voice cracked at the end, and JJ sat back down, this time next to me, and grabbed onto my hand, rubbing circles with his thumb.

"They need to know."

When nobody said another word, John B got out of the car and walked into the station. The rest of us sat in silence, not knowing what could be said.

"Kie! Start the car!"

We all jumped at John B's desperate yells, and Kiara started the car as John B got back into his seat.

"John B, what did you do?"

"The cops!"

A deputy slapped the window by my head, and I yelled at Kie to drive. The deputy hung on to the window and had to run as Kiara sped up. She yelled for Kiara to stop the car.

"Open it," Pope said, and John B did, hitting the deputy with the door and sending her to the ground.

Kiara sped up even more, and we left the police station behind.

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