Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The feelings of JJ's lips on mine was overwhelming

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The feelings of JJ's lips on mine was overwhelming. I became hyper-aware of everything. I felt the slight breeze, heard the flies buzzing, a frog croaked, I could hear the blood beating in my ears. I felt JJ's hand caressing my face while his other was on the back of my neck, having slid under the ponytail my hair was in. I could feel his heart pounding against my chest. I could feel where his lip was split from the fight with the Kooks last night. I could smell the leaves of the trees around his house, the grass that we stood in, and him. His overall salt-water, weed, and Ocean Breeze Suave shampoo smell.

What felt like hours, but still not enough time, passed before JJ pulled away from the simple peck. My hands dropped from his face and landed on his shoulders as I kept my eyes closed and took a deep breath.

"You okay?"

I almost smiled at the concern yet cockiness in his voice.

"Uh huh."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I, uh, I just need a second to..."


"Yeah, to process."

"Take your time, sweetheart."

We both continued to stand there for a moment.

I just kissed my best friend. My best friend, who is also my brother's best friend. My best friend who is a Pogue. My best friend who is a Pogue like me, so we just broke the No Pogue on Pogue macking rule. Oh fu-

JJ suddenly pressed his lips against mine again, adding a little more pressure this time but still keeping it to a simple kiss.

It was much shorter than last time, and when he pulled away, my eyes shot wide open.

"What happened to taking my time?"

"You were overthinking it."

I opened my mouth to say something witty at his matter-of-fact tone, but I came up with nothing. He was right.

"Yeah, whatever."

He laughed and took his hand that was on the back of my neck and used it to sweep away some hair from my face before settling it on my waist. He smiled as he lent his forehead against mine.


I brought my hands up from his shoulders to his neck, returning the smile.


"Do I have to ask permission to kiss you again?"

I chucked before shaking my head.


"And does that answer count for in the future or just this moment because I really-"

"Shut up."

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