Chapter Four

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The boat ride to the Coast Guard station didn't take too long. John B got us right up to the dock, and I whistled at the amount of people there.

"This shouldn't take long at all," I muttered, causing JJ to snort from next to me.

JJ, John B, and I walked along the dock and to the desk. I shook my head at my brother as we tried to get the dude's attention as the poor dude tried to handle a situation about a lady's dog with diabetes and a man who was being a major asshole.

I watched as John B tried to get his attention, but his attempt was only successful in getting himself yelled at. John B walked away from the man, nodding his head back towards where Kiara and Pope were waiting. He grabbed the pen that JJ was twirling, shoving it back in the cup, but as John B walked further away, JJ grabbed the pen, and my wrist, before following after my brother.

"Well, that went well," Pope quipped when we rejoined him.

"So, what's the plan?" JJ asked, leaning his arm on my shoulder as he twirled the stolen pen.

"I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat," John B answered, shaking the scavenged motel key for all of us to see.

"We don't know whose room that is," Pope pointed out nervously. "It could be anyone."

"I'm in," JJ shrugged, and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Same here."

"Come on," Kie said, laughter in her voice. "I'll be lookout."

Kiara catches the keys that John B threw at her.

"Finder's fee," John B reminded Pop as he walked by him. "And hey, at least you'll only be an accomplice."

I laughed as Pope let out a heavy sigh. I linked my arm through his, turning him around to follow after our friends.

"Come on, Bubba."

The five of us quickly got back onto the boat, and John B got us to this mystery hotel. JJ whistled once it came into sight.

"I thought the Chateau looked bad."

"This place is a shitshow," John B added.

"Motel or meth lab?"

"You be the judge," Pope answered Kie.

"This doesn't exactly look like a place where somebody with a Grady-White would stay," John B said.

"No, it looked like a place someone with a Grady-White would get killed."

"This looks like the kind of sketchy place that rents rooms by the hour."

"This is your captain speaking," JJ spoke into his shoulder. "HMS Pogue comin' in for landing."

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