16 - Chapter Sixteen - Zev Martin's Point Of View.

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Two Weeks Later...

You would think in two weeks that Jackson and I would have done more than a few sloppy kisses when we saw each other. But nope, that was all. No sex, no handjobs, no touching of any of that nature. Jackson had gone to grab a package that had arrived for me at my home. I choose not to go with him because I really wasn't feeling it. I had such a heavy feeling of bad energy in my chest. It was like nothing I had ever had before, It was so dreadful. Not one of the pills I took for this even touched the feeling. It was like I was getting a warning from someone or something.

Laying back on the couch I heard the door open and Jackson dropped his keys and the box before he whined about the fucking smell coming off the box. Getting off the couch I walked towards the kitchen where he had dropped the box. He definitely was right about the smell. It was definitely funky. He handed me a knife and I gagged as I cut the box open. There was a letter on top and a lot of plastic shreds. Setting the letter down on the table the smell got so much worse when I pulled the plastic off the top revealing a severed arm. Hacked off at the fucking shoulder.

Jackson was too far back to see what was in the box. Backing up dropped the knife on the floor. The only word that came out of my mouth when he looked at me was "arm".  I started fucking gagging right then and there. Someone had mailed me a severed fucking arm. Jackson covered his nose and took one look in the box before his eyes slightly widened and he pulled his phone out.

"Is it real?" 

I found myself asking even though from the smell and the little bit of blood it was real. Before he could even answer I ran to the bathroom emptying the contents of my stomach a few times. By the time I came out of the bathroom, everyone was here. Cade, Creed, Maddox, Alexi, Dr.Kingsley and more. The small kitchen was filled with mafia men.

I heard Jackson ask someone to give him a hand only to have fucking Creed say he already had an extra hand and not to get greedy. I didn't find it funny at all. Cade on the other hand was snickering.

"Im glad you find it so amusing someone mailed me a fucking arm."

When the arm was pulled out of the box by Dr.Kingsley who had gloves on. He made a bunch of comments about the arm but it was about the ring on the hand that stuck out to me. It was a university ring from the same university I had attended. Getting closer to the damn arm I took a look at the ring quickly.

"What are you looking at Dr.Martin?"

"That ring. I have one too. It's from the university I attended and its the same year as mine."

"How interesting."

Leaving the men with the arm I went on a hunt for that fucking yearbook. It was the strangest of colours and stuck out against the rest of my books. Finding it at the bottom of the box of books I had yet to unpack I brought it out to the kitchen. The rings from that year were different for whatever you majored in. Mine was green. This one was blue, whoever this arm belonged to had been a family doctor or general practitioner. My original career path.

"This arm belongs to a family doctor or general practitioner."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, that ring is blue."

I explained the ring colours and about switching my career path. Jackson picked up the letter on the table carefully opening it and reading it before he spoke.

"Zev you're going to want to see this note."

closing the yearbook I walked to Jackson, Avoiding getting closer to the arm then I had too. Taking the letter i read it, not once or twice but six times. It was nothing special it was just a taunting sentence in the letter.

How will you put your friends back together now?

It was for sure written in blood by the way the colour had oxidized. This wasn't my first time seeing a note written in blood, after all, I had worked with some crazy individuals before. None like this though. Wasn't this just an amazing thing. None of the crazy's I had worked with had ever mailed me severed body parts.

Jackson looked at me clearly thinking over what he wanted to say before he said it.

"Do you think this could be Nathan Harris that sent you this box."

"No. He's still in prison."

"Im positive. Im supposed to be notified when he gets let out."

"You should call the prison anyways and find out. Just to be safe." Maddox said suddenly looking at the severed arm in disgust.

"Fine. I'll call the prison now."

Taking my phone I walked to the bathroom. Calling the prison I waited until someone could directly speak to me on the whereabouts of Nathan Harris.

"Hello, Can I help you?"

"Hello, My name is DR.Zev Martin, Im calling regarding a prisoner that's being released soon, his name is Nathan Harris, Im trying to find out if Mr. Harris has been released or is still being held."

"What is your relation to the inmate?"

"I was his victim, I was to be notified if he's been released."

"Mr. Nathan Harris was released two mornings ago at noon. Can I help you with anything else?"

"Do you have any more information on where Mr.Harris was headed?"

"He said he couldn't wait to go home, That's all he kept saying."

"Thank you for your help."

Hanging up the phone I sent the thing sailing at the wall in anger. They had released him without so much as a warning to me. That was terrifying, but what worse was that in that time he might have killed someone and sent that package to me. Leaving the bathroom I walked to the kitchen.

"Have they released him?"

"Two days ago."

"Did they say anything else Zev?

"He told them he was going home."

Jackson didn't say anything. He just stood there. His poker face not once faltering. Maddox on the other hand looked at Creed, Cade and Andrei.

"Find Nathan Harris and make sure he is dealt with by any means necessary."

There was no saving him this time. He was after me. Again.

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