28 - Chapter Twenty-Eight - Zev Martin's Point Of View.

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Looking down at my watch it was only four p.m. That was more then enough time to ask Creed if he would train me in hand to hand combat. I knew Jackson would be pissed when he found out that I had actually gone through with it, but I needed to be able to protect myself if I wanted to be in this family as his equal and not someone he constantly had to look after.

It wasn't like I hadn't killed someone before, I had crossed that line and there was no going back. Creed had been there to witness the killing too. We both had witnessed what I did. Twenty-six times I stabbed him and I could still remember the feeling of his blood caked on my hands and how easy it had been after the first time to stab him. Jackson wanted to protect me and keep me as clean as he could but what he seemed to fail to realize was that I was willing to get just as dirty as he was to prove myself his equal.

When I reached Alexi and Creeds shared office I could hear talking. I barely got my hand up to knock on the door when I heard Alexi tell me to come in.

"Hello, Zev."

"Hey Alexi, Afternoon Creed."


"I was wondering if--"

"If I'll train you in hand-to-hand combat right?"

"Well yes."

"Alexi told me you were going to ask."

"Ah, Ok."

"The answer is yes I'll train you. But I won't go easy on you."

"Good that's what I'm looking for, that's why I want you to train me and not Jackson. Besides you were there when I killed him, you already know what you're working with."

"Jackson's not going to be pleased with this. He doesn't even want you talking about the fact you killed someone. He must realize by now that in this environment that eventually you will have to kill again. You're his partner, you need to know the basics of killing."

"Exactly, I want to be his equal, I want him to know I can handle myself."

"Im down to train you. But first, we will work on stamina. Be ready tomorrow for seven a.m and meet me here."


Heading back to Jackson's wing I found myself craving a quick nap before he got back. The apartment was dark and quiet which was so perfect for naping. Kicking my shoes off at the door I went and crawled into bed after losing my pants and sweater and slipping on some boxers. Stealing Jackson's pillow I inhaled his scent and had no problems falling asleep.

I heard movement in the apartment and sat up rubbing my eyes before looking down at the watch on my arm. The number seven forty-three shined back at me and I jumped out of the bed and nearly fell over the clothing I had left on the floor before my nap. Opening one of the bedroom doors I was nearly blinded by the full brightness of all the kitchen lights on and Jackson standing there cutting something on the cutting board. The smells coming from the kitchen were absolutely amazing.

"I see you're awake now? How was your nap?"

"Good, I needed it."

"That's good. I almost thought about joining you and replacing that pillow with my body. But I didn't want to risk waking you up."

"You could have. I would have been more than ok with that."

"Come here and taste this."

I walked closer and into the kitchen. Jackson had made homemade ravioli and he wanted me to taste the sauce he was currently making. He handed me a spoon of the sauce and turned to go back to what he was doing.

"Jackson, Let me taste you first," I mumbled looking at him.

He stopped and set down his knife coming closer to me. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine and I could taste a touch of the cooking wine he keeps in the fridge on his lips. Sticking the spoon in my mouth the sauce was amazing. I barely had a moment to really enjoy the sauce because the moment the spoon comes out of my mouth I heard the stove get turned off and the pans moved. Jackson literally lifted me off the floor and carried me towards the bedroom. This had the be the most caveman-like thing I had ever witnessed him doing. He threw me on the bed and kicked the bedroom door shut before flipping the lock. This was a side of him I craved.

He unbuttoned his dress shirt and carefully removed it. The thing was worth more than my entire wardrobe. He took his T-shirt off that he had underneath and my mouth was watering at the sight of his chest and muscles. I loved the feeling of them. He worked pretty hard to maintain them as well. I knew this all first hand because he made me follow the same healthy eating plan he had. 

The sound of his belt hitting the floor made my heart thunder in my chest. Seeing him like this made my blood pump. It was both exciting and terrifying. The hard-on I was sporting was pretty visible against my now too tight boxers. He stalked towards me and his hand land on my chest and he pushed me flat back against the bed. His right knee landed between my legs and flush against my aching hard-on. He was hovering over me now. It was really hard to bite back the groan I was holding as he rocked his fucking knee in a back and forth motion. He knew what he was doing because when we met eyes he was smirking. The man was damn cocky but I knew this when I decide the ride this ride.

He lowered his body against mine as he took my lips against his and kissed them deeply. I was pretty sure he was trying to steal the oxygen that was in my body with that kiss. We both took deep gulps of air when the kiss ended. He was sitting back on his heels hover above me and I was too preoccupied with staring at his swollen member that I didn't notice his hand grab the collar of my shirt and start to tear it.

By the time I had fully registered the sound my chest was on full display. He had ripped straight down the front of my shirt. It didn't take him more than a few more seconds to peel the ripped shirt off me. We were in the same amount of clothing now. Just boxers.

His hand ventured down until he grabbed my hips and shoved me further up the bed. After shoving me further up the bed he slipped his hand down my boxers and palmed my length. The feeling of his hand on my length was pretty great.

"Lift your hips."

I did as he asked. Lifting my hips he pulled my boxers down to my ankles before he pulled them off my feet and tossed them to the floor. He stood up off the bed and slowly hooked his thumbs into to waistband of his boxers. As he pulled them down slowly I became more and more observant of him. Once he slipped the boxers all the way his thick member stuck out and up like a proud soldier.

He crawled back on the bed and crawled up my legs until he reached my hard-on. He opened his mouth and closed it right around my member. It was hard to keep my eyes on him as he hollowed out his cheeks and tried to suck my soul out. After the fucking hell he put me through earlier I just gave up trying to watch him and laid back. Closing my eyes I focused on the sensations and feeling of what his mouth was doing.

I yelped out in shock when he drug his teeth along my shaft again. It was such an odd feeling and he had been the only one to ever do that to me.

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