26 - Chapter Twenty-Six - Zev Martin's Point Of View.

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Alexi's therapy wasn't a bad one, Well not a completely bad one. He seemed to be pretty much fine when we reached the lanes of the range. He showed me how to take the safety off again and then how to stand before he fired the first shot. There were no earmuffs to be found in the room and that really didn't surprise me. After all, they couldn't wear earmuffs in the field.  The sound was pretty deafening but my ears got used to it the more shots Alexi fired. I hadn't even fired a single shot yet and Alexi had emptied his gun. He reloaded it and fired one more shot before he turned to me.

"Zev, Try it."

"Ok. Ok. I will."

I held the gun out and fired one shot into the range. The recoil was something fierce on my arms and wrist. Alexi made it look so easy. Attempting to do the same thing again, I stuck my arms out my finger on the trigger. Just as I was about to fire, the scent of Jackson's body wash floated up to my nose. He was right behind me. I wanted to at least fire one more bullet before he took this away from me probably for it being too dangerous.  The recoil was just as bad this time if not worse.

I felt Jackson get closer and he wrapped his body basically right around mine and adjusted my stance.

"Fire now."

The recoil was less intense this time, by almost seventy percent. Alexi nodded at Jackson.

"I would have stabilized him as you did, but that's too close to the doctor, for you or Creed's liking."

Jackson chuckled.

"Yeah, you're right about that."

I just shook my head lightly at the situation. Jackson was possessive over me and it did give my logical brain red flags but my stupid brain was addicted to the man and ignored the red flags because we liked having a man obsessed with the very ground we walked on.

Taking a deep breath I fired the rest of the bullets in the gun. Jackson hadn't so much as moved an inch the entire time. He was comfortable with the recoil and the sound of the gun and that was impressive, Alexi was very much the same way. Jackson untangled himself from me and stepped back, he unbuttoned his suit jacket and took it off. He set his suit jacket on the bench as he drew his firearm from the back of his waist. I knew he carried a weapon there. I had accidentally touched it more than once. He stepped up to a lane and flipped the safety off. He emptied a clip in a mere fraction of the time it took Alexi to empty one. Now I understood why he was the underboss in charge of what he was.

"Cade, Emerson's father can empty a clip a second before me."

"That's impressive."

"It's the payoff of years of training."

"I'm sure."

"Jackson has always been quick with weapons. I can shoot them just fine, but I like numbers over guns, though when I'm needed I'm useful."

"I'm not big on guns. Not my kind of thing." I said shrugging.

"I'm really not that surprised. If you want to learn hand to hand combat the best one for that is Creed, though he won't----"

"Absolutely not Alexi, you are not about to seriously suggest he get some hand-to-hand combat lessons from Creed. Creed is not going to----"

"I might just have to see if Creed will teach me, The more I know how to defend myself the better."

"Zev you are not----"


Jackson was angry. He didn't like the idea one bit and the way his jaw was ticking was a dead giveaway to the anger.

"Hey Alexi, Thanks for the gun lessons. I'm down for this whenever you want a shooting partner."

"Cool. I'll let you know,"

Jackson followed me all the way back to my office. He followed me inside and closed the door behind himself.

"I can teach you hand-to-hand combat."

"No thank you, Jackson. You will go easy on me and that's not what I'm looking for."

"I will not allow---"

"I'm a grown adult. If I get hurt oh well, not the first time."

I could hear Jackson basically grinding away his teeth from where I was sitting at my desk.

"Knock that the fuck off before you ruin your fucking teeth asshole."

He stopped grinding his teeth to glare at me. Getting up from the desk I walked towards him. He rolled his eyes at me. For some reason that was the last straw. He had gotten on my last nerve. When I reached where he was sitting on the couch I roughly grabbed his chin with one of my hands. The shock on his face was evident.

"I hate your attitude, Jackson. It makes me want to force you to shut your fucking mouth sometimes. Sometimes I want to gag you so bad."

Slipping my hand from his chin to around the back of his neck I forced his face right into my pelvis, It was only a few moments after that, that what I had done really settled into my stupid brain.

I fucked up.

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