19 - Chapter Nineteen - Zev Martin's Point Of View.

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"Did you enjoy your gifts?"

Gifts, he called them. What a disturbed individual. Part of me wondered if he had gone off the medication that had been given to him in the prison. It was court ordered for him to take it for the rest of his life. Clearly that's wasn't happening here.

"They weren't gifts, Nathan. That is the work of a severely deranged person. Are you off your medication or just showing your true colours?"

"How dare you!"

He was visibly angry now, He pulled a knife from inside the coat he had on. It was just a simple kitchen knife unlike the one in my pocket. This time we were both armed and I was prepared for this one thing I couldn't do that night.

"Did you know Loria still painted her nails that god awful red?"

"What you did to her was horrible----"

"Oh you have no idea Zev, No idea"

"Your fucking sick----"

"I sliced her from top to bottom after I drowned that bitch. Her screaming was god awful. I only wanted to take a few of her fucking fingers but she fought back and well, I didn't like that. Not at all. So I drowned and butchered her. Her feet mad the best gift. I was going to mail you her tits but I didn't think you would recognize her since you don't like tits."

He played with the knife in his hand. Looking right at me his eyes roaming my body in such a sick fucking way. The smile the spread on his features made my fucking skin crawl, I didn't fear him as much as I would have if I didn't know Creed was lurking in the shadows. The sun was starting to come up and by now Jackson should have seen my letter and started to lose his mind.

"Talk to me goddamn it Zev! Communication was never your fucking thing!"

"Why should I talk to a friend murdering monster?"

"You will be the greatest piece of my work Zev. I'm going to violate every inch of you, before and after death."

"Sorry, that won't work for me. I'm not about to allow that at all."

"I have a knife! I can't make you do whatever I want you too!" He screamed angrily.

I found myself laughing as I pulled the hidden knife out of my pocket and opening it.

"Funny thing is Nathan, So do I. I didn't come here to make friends with you or even to become the next death on your sick fucking hands. I've come to fill the hole that not killing you that night created. I thought maybe medicating that anger and bitterness would help, but honestly, I think to only thing that will help me right now is taking my anger out at its source."

"What makes you think you can kill me now, your too weak Zev, you couldn't kill me then so."

"I have someone to live for-- actually, I have a lot of people to live for now."

"Oh how fucking sweet, and fucking nasty."

He walked closer with that knife and I felt the feeling of fight or flight kick in. Repeating the same thing in my head " I'll be ok as soon as I kill him." I didn't run from him.  I was sick of running from him, I was still running from him in my dreams. He charged at me. The look of anger replaced by a wicked smile that clung to his features and made me want to beat his entire face until he couldn't make that face or any face ever again. He flung the knife around like a lunatic. The sound of a phone ringing made Nathan lose his mind. He dove at me the knife in his hand. The knife in my hand went flying, He smashed into me the blade of the knife catching the side my shoulder making me hiss. He only smiled larger when he saw the blood on his blade. I kneed him in the nuts making him roll off of me and his knife to be lost on the floor.

"Wrap this up Dr.Martin, Jackson is on his way," Creed said stepping out of the shadows.

That really angered Nathan he started screaming at Creed about who the fuck he was and why he was here. Creed pretty plainly ignored him. Creed handed me a large blade, this one far different than the one from before. This was a large hunting knife.

How hard could it be to kill him?

With the blade in my hand, I stepped towards Nathan and swung the blade at him. His knife was on the floor and kicked it away before getting close enough to boot Nathan's legs out from underneath him. As he hit the floor I quickly understood why people got addicted to the feeling of standing over someone scarred to die. Nathan was screaming about how this wasn't supposed to be this way, how I was supposed to be part of his collection.

I knelt down. The knife still pointed at Nathan. He grabbed the end of the knife trying to rip it from me. The amount of blood that flowed out of his hand and down the knife oddly didn't make me sick this time, I actually wanted to see more of his blood.

Shoving my body weight onto the knife his hand long forgotten. The knife landed in the soft spot by his shoulder blade and he screamed in pain. It felt good. I hated that I was enjoying this. I had to stand up and put my foot on his chest to pull out the knife. I jammed it in there pretty good. I heard the sound of Jackson's SUV down the road. Grabbing Nathan's foot I yanked him off the wall he was leaning against and he laid flat on the ground. He was crying and begging for me not the kill him. 

"You didn't stop for Loria did you?"

"You're a fucking monster! Just like me Zev."

"Maybe I'm worse."

I slammed the knife into his stomach. His eyes widened and he screamed. I saw the lights of Jackson's SUV and then I was gone. I didn't care what Jackson saw. Ripping the knife out his stomach I stabbed him many more times, where ever the knife would slide in his flesh was where it went. He stopped screaming, actually he just stopped making any noise or movements. I didn't hear anything until I was yanked off Nathan and the knife was ripped from my hands.



Looking up at Jackson he looked over me, his eyes stopping at the slice on my shoulder. I hissed when he pushed onto the wound. Before angrily grabbing my chin and making me look him in the eyes.

"You're a fucking mess."

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