7. (Chocolate Lady )

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I was behind behind our cheery blossom tree ,

Squinting my eyes from the bright red- blue lights of police sirens ,

They took him in the police cars for investigation , 

He looked scared and miserable  with blood spattered over his tattered clothes ,

A body wrapped in white sheet  now stained deep scarlet was also lying on the lawn ,

I prayed it was not her ........

 Morning alarm ringed loudly waking up Taehyun from his slumber and  in the process of switching it off Taehyun clashed against the floor . He mentally cursed himself for being lazy and clumsy and stretched his limbs before compressing his head hard to stop the thudding pain . He had a weird dream today different from all the others and mystery to himself . But he didn't waste anymore time wondering about it and slumped to the bathroom for taking a refreshing shower . 

The faculty is much more bustling in the morning with nurses running practically everywhere barking orders and getting their patients ready for the new day . Taehyun kept walking until he heard a low mumbling from a very familiar room . The door was unlocked and a slight gap between it which was enough for Taehyun to peek from . He saw Yeonjun and an another doctor crowding Beomgyu who sat  on his bed his his hands covering his mouth . Taehyun entered inside unannounced and asked , " What is happening here ? " 

Yeonjun was stunned at his sudden appearance but regained his composure later and ordered the other doctor to spare them sometime alone who undeniably obliged . Taehyun eyes flickered from Beomgyu to Yeonjun and he quirked his eyebrows and Yeonjun certainly got the hint and he explained , " Your patient here has n't eaten anything since last night including his fucking medicines and  is saying that he already had some chocolate cake . Like what the fuck " 

Taehyun eyes lingered on the boy who was staring at him with his silver puppy eyes that held nothing but truth and innocence . Beomgyu jolted from his bed and  clung tightly to Taehyun who stumbled behind by the force and whimpered , "  I am not lying . I promise Taehyun , she came today and gave me so many cakes my tummy is full now but  this lemon head never believes me . I wonder sometimes how Soobin tolerates him . " Yeonjun was about to growl at Beomgyu when Taehyun intervened between them and pleaded , " Yeonjun give us some time alone . I will make sure he eats everything . But for now please get out . "

Yeonjun wanted to protest but seeing that how serious Taehyun was , he huffed and left he room closing the door with a loud bang . Taehyun rolled his eyes and focused on Beomgyu who still has his hand wrapped around him . He guided them to bed and placed his hands on other's shoulder urging him to sit down while he himself sat down on the floor . Beomgyu was gingerly gazing at Taehyun who smiled gently at him and asked , " How were the cakes ? " Beomgyu tilted his head in confusion but then the question struck him and he flashed  a beautiful smile chirping , " They were so delicious . Chocolate lady does wonders with food . I almost ate three of them . " 

Taehyun cooed internally at how cute and youthful the boy looked but he had a plan to execute now so he frowned and stated , " So you must be full now that means you could not participate in he game I was planning to play with you . " Beomgyu ears perked up at the mention of game and he asked , " What game hyung ???? Please tell me I want to play . " Taehyun smirked and sarcastically said , " Oh leave it you will lose after all . " Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows at the snarky comment and blurted , " I think you don't have any idea how competitive I am " . Taehyun scoffed and remarked , " Oh really let's see if you can finish all this food in under five minutes . I bet you will lose for sure . " Wordlessly Beomgyu grabbed the Kimchi bowl and before jumping on the food , he said , " I am ready . " Taehyun smirked back at him and nodded his head before mumbling a loud " GO " . 

Taehyun was astonished by the lightening speed with which his patient chugged down the food , he doubted whether he even chewed the food before swallowing it . Under five minutes the bowl of Kimchi was empty and Taehyun was thoroughly impressed . Beomgyu licked his lips and burped while rubbing his tummy satisfyingly . He gawked at Taehyun and playfully  asked , " I won....so what will be my price . " Taehyun teased the other by arguing , " I had never promised one . " 

He chuckled how Beomgyu puckered his lips in a cute pout and whined a childish " Hyung " before Taehyun declared , " Ok fine you can get a day off . You can go outside the faculty but under my surveillance . " Taehyun expected the other to squeal in excitement but  shockingly the smile on Beomgyu's lips was replaced by a deep scowl and his face paled as he stuttered , " No....No I don't want to go anywhere outside the faculty . I will rather like a pizza more . " 

Taehyun saw fear reflecting in Beomgyu' eyes and he did n't knew why . No words were exchanged after that and Taehyun stomped to Yeonjun's office this time knocking first and informed him that Beomgyu had eaten his meal . Yeonjun was quite surprised by the news and exclaimed , "  You are doing wonders Taehyun I swear  . " Taehyun smiled forcefully but that went unnoticed by Yeonjun who continued ," I am worried for Beomgyu . His delusions are taking toll over his mind and this has n't happened for quite a sometime and I don't know the reason why this is happening . I hope you can  find a solution for this . "

"  I will try my best ." Taehyun muttered after sometime . 


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What is Taehyun planning to do ? Let's find out in the next chapter . Till then Byeee and stay happy and calm . Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter . I love you all ....Thanks for reading :)

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