New faces

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I can't believe I let Bryce drag me to this rich kid party. But I need to get out of my house.

Bryce started walking away from me.

"Hey where the fuck you going?"

"Gonna go get a drink. Bet they have top shelf whiskey." Bryce said.

The fuck man. How are you gonna invite someone to a party and then abandon them? I don't even know anyone here.

I start to look around. I can feel someone's eyes on me.


Purcell inviting me to another on of his house parties was something I definitely got use to a long time ago.

The same fucking people always came. Every single time. Even if new people came, I'd never realize it. They're all rich, and white anyways.

I wasn't really a party type of guy, but I started to feel lonely lately. I don't know why.

It's that feeling when you're hanging out with a group of friends but you still feel alone.

I usually people watch at parties. It's kinda fun. I've been doing this for a while now, and it's super easy to read people's faces.

If I found someone interesting I'd watch them throughout the party and see what their body language was like, what drink they got, and who they hung out with.

"Hey where the fuck you going?" I heard an unusual voice.

"Gonna get a drink. Bet they have top shelf whiskey." Now that voice I recognized. Bryce Walker; new transfer from Liberty; and football player. I took a couple of photos of him at the last game, for yearbook.

I definitely didn't recognize the Latinx though. He's probably from Liberty too.

"Who's the Latinx?" I asked my close friend Cole. "I dunno."

Of course this dumbass didn't know.

That guy finally decided to walk into the house.  I'm assuming to look for Bryce. He caught me staring at him, but for some reason I didn't look away.

I had this random burst of confidence, thanks to the beers.

The weird thing was that he didn't look away either. He looked so angry but also not angry at the same time. It was hard to read him.

We held eye contact until he walked into the house. He looked away first.

I waited about 5 minutes before I decided to try to go and find him. Like I said earlier, I like to see their body language and what drink they get.

I tried my best to not make myself so obvious.

He was playing beer pong out back.

The more intense stuff happens in the back yard. People sell coke out there, have sex, and some are even passed out.

But he didn't seem like the intense guy.


"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" A group of people chanted as I chugged a beer.

I've had in total six beers.


Now seven.

I tried to walk into the house but I fell on the grass.

"Woah Monty. Already drunk?" Bryce asked jokingly sarcastic.

"I- I think, no, no I'm most definitely not."

I'm semi-drunk. Which is good.

"Hey let me start another round and then after we can leave." Bryce said.

"Yeah sureee. Wait, yeah yeah."

I started to look around. I may have been drunk but when I think, it feels like I'm not. I'll usually remember everything when I'm drunk.

Turned towards the doors to the house. The windows on the doors were made so that the outside couldn't see in but the inside could see out. But I could see a figure standing and looking out. I don't know who it was but someone's there.

I think they realized I could see them so they walked away.

Something told me to go see who it was.


I watched Monty fall on the grass.

Oh and yeah, I found out his name. Thanks to Bryce shouting it.

I couldn't hear what they were talking about but I just still watched him. Monty started looking around. I could see that he was thinking something.

Then he turned towards the doors. Where I was behind. I knew he couldn't see from the outside but it still made me nervous.

I watched his face the entire time. He was squinting so hard trying to see who it was but then he opened his eyes. I knew he saw my shadow.

Time to go somewhere else.

I walked away and then I heard the back door open. There was a mirror in front of me so I saw that Monty was following me.

I went up the stairs to a random room. I knew he'd follow me up there.

I sped up so I could get there way before him. He was struggling to walk still so I knew I was okay.

I needed to mentally prepare myself. I wasn't the shy type but he made my stomach get butterflies. I knew I felt something when we made eye contact.


I went to see who it was. The only person who I could assume it was, was that guy from earlier.

I decided to follow him. I told myself not to, but my body dragged me to him.

He started to walk fast. I attempted too as well but I couldn't.

I finally made it up stairs. There was so many doors. But I assumed he was in the one with the door not fully closed.

I pushed the door open and there he laid. He was on the floor looking at some album covers.

"Took you awhile to get up the stairs."

I raised an eyebrow at the boy.

"I saw you following me. And I also heard the back door open a few seconds after I left."

"Why were you watching me?" I asked. I didn't understand. Did he like me? Was he racist or something?

"It's because I'm Hispanic, isn't it?"

"What?! Oh my god no. It's not that. I just. Found you attractive."

He got up from the ground and kept intense eye contact with me. Walked passed me, shut and locked the door.

He was standing directly in front of me now.

We were so close, I was basically breathing the same air as him.

Then he kissed me. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and shoved him back aggressively. I can't do this. I'm not fucking gay.

But it felt nice.
"Easy." He whispered. He kept his hands on my shoulders gently.

I stared in his eyes then looked down at his lips. They were red/pink, so plump, and soft. I wanted more.

I pulled him in and we kissed again. A wave of lust went over me and I put him on his knees. I think you know what happened next.


"Here's my number."

"Thanks. Uh-." I didn't even know his name.


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