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Winston pov

1 month later...

It's been about a month since Monty was first brought into the hospital. Hasn't woken up yet, but he will soon. I just know it.

I've been so busy that I had to cancel on Tyler for that photo shoot. I was looking forward to it, but that's not my main priority right now.

After that first week, I had to eventually go back to school. My head was so fucked up, I couldn't pay attention to anything the teachers were saying. I asked whoever was in my class that I was somewhat close with for their notes all the time. They understood what I was going through so they didn't ever say no.

I've been going to that hospital every single day. Some days I was just so unstable I didn't wanna go, but I had to go, just in case he woke up. I had to be there for him.

So I'm currently in my car right now, driving to the hospital. Some days I'd be replaying all the good memories and bad memories while I was driving and I'd almost crash. But the thing was, I wasn't scared when I almost crashed, it was...strange. When I would take baths, I would find myself sliding down until my head was under water. It was like something else was controlling me to do that. I've never wanted to die before all of this happened, in fact I was afraid of death. Now it feels like it could be peaceful. Every time I was almost about to face death, a voice popped into my head and took me out of my thoughts and back into reality.

Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic. But Monty's a big part of my life. My parents could care less about me. They say they love me, but I don't think they mean it. I know Monty meant it.

Other than going to the hospital, school, and home, I was also going out to random places with Jasper. Mainly fast food restaurants. I didn't have any real close friends to be honest, and me and Jasper got along quick because we had things in common, mainly that people we loved were in comas. It was nice to have someone who knew what you were going through so you can just rant and won't feel like you're being judged, you know? Jasper really has made this whole thing less scary and I really appreciate that.

Me and the nurse at the front were basically friends too. We always say "hi" and ask each other how we're doing. Never thought I'd see this day.

Every time I stand outside the door, my heart feels like it's gonna just pop out of my chest. Literally burst through my chest and it's gonna splat all over the floor.

I finally calmed down a bit and opened it. I hated seeing him like this, but I also hated not seeing him. I forgot to mention, it's Saturday so I have the whole day to spend with him. I got here early to have some more time.

Anyways, Monty looked so skinny. I know they were feeding him- well giving him his nutrients through a tube, same difference. Nope, never mind, that explain why he's so skinny. He's also lost majority of his muscle. I know as soon as he wakes up, he's gonna wanna get back in the gym ASAP.

"Hey Monty. I'm early today. Only because it's Saturday and I don't have to go to school. I miss you so much. Even though I saw you yesterday. And every day before that. It just doesn't feel the same." I did the same thing I always do. Grab one of the chairs and bring in next to Monty's bed. The poor chair has a big dent in it from me sitting on it for hours every day.

I wasn't so emotionally unstable after that first week. Not really. So I decided to take pictures of Monty after every time I visited him. I look back at them from time to time. Some days he looks bad, other days he looks good and healthy. Today he looks really good. Despite being really skinny and stuff. His face looked like it would if he was out of a coma.

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