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Winston pov

After I helped Monty undress, he got in the shower by himself.

I gave him some of my bigger clothes that I had. I wanted him to be comfortable.

Monty said he'd be in there for a while so
I told him to text me when he was out. I didn't care if he used too much water. I wanted him to enjoy his time at my house. He had a house obviously, but it was never really much of a home.

I figured since how much of an asshole his father was, he hasn't had anything to eat yet. He also didn't eat anything at the party, just drank.

I went downstairs to my big, beautiful, marble kitchen. I think my favorite part of my house was my kitchen. I loved to cook new things and try new techniques and stuff. And I was really good at it.

What should I make him?

All my food I had was healthy. No junk food. I had snacks but they were all organic, sugar free, gluten free, or vegan.

I've tried to be fully vegan but I just love chicken. That's the only animal based product I have here. It's just so good.

So I'll just make him that. I don't wanna force my lifestyle on him.

I decided I'll make him fettuccine Alfredo with baked chicken in it. With a side of steamed broccoli.

I finished cooking both our meals. I was feeling kinda hungry myself so I made more for the both of us.

I cover everything so that the heat could stay in the pots and the food wouldn't get cold.


I looked down and it was a text from Monty

"Okay I'm done."

I went upstairs and to the guest room. I walked in the restroom and Monty was fully naked standing in the shower.

"Ahh. Sorry." I yelled. I closed the door and let him get a towel on. "I thought you at least had a towel on. Or did you need help putting that on too."

"Oh shut up. Sorry I didn't know you ran to get me."

"As if. You done?"

"I think I can get out. I'm gonna try to get dressed myself too."

I waited outside the door for about 7 minutes.

"Oh okay. I did it. But um can you help me out the restroom now, I'm exhausted."

"Yeah." I opened the restroom door and there he was. Wearing my clothes. He looked so cute. I could kiss him right now. But I can't.

"Thanks for the clothes."

"Oh yeah. No problem. You can keep them if you want."

"No. No it's okay. I'll give them back."

"No seriously, keep them. They look better on you than they did on me."

"Non sense. You'd look good in anything. I-I mean, I don't know."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Monty just laughed.

"So I made food because I figured you haven't eaten anything yet. It's downstairs. Do you want me to bring you a plate up?"

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