Just breathing

367 10 3

TW: self harm
Winston pov

The student counselor took me to his office because he heard me scream crying in the halls. So...here I am, sitting in the office, not saying a word.

"Mr. Williams, you can talk to me, it's okay." Mr. Porter said. I know I can talk to him, but I can't. My body is like, telling me no.

"So you knew Monty, correct?"

I shot him a glare as soon as he said that.

"Knew? He's not fucking dead." I shouted.

"We don't know that, Mr. Williams, but we hope he isn't." Mr. Porter brought out the tissues from a cabinet that was connected to his desk.

I just laughed. I probably sounded crazy, I could care less right now. I stood up and grabbed my bag.

Mr. Porter stared at me in confusion. I just walked out of his office. I had to go see Monty, I have to make sure he's okay and alive.

Next thing I know it, I'm pushing the door to exit the building.

I've never just walked out before. I got this like random burst of adrenaline. Fuck, my heart's pounding fast. I just need to find my car.

As soon as I got into my car, I slammed my fist on the steering wheel. I needed to feel something, anything. I kept slamming them, and slamming them, until I felt just a small sting. But when I looked down, my hands were bleeding. Just a small sting.

Fuck, I really need to get out of here.


"Hi. Is Montgomery De La Cruz at this hospital?" I had been to almost every single one in this town, and they all had said no. At this point I thought he didn't make it.

"Yes. He just got here this morning. Are you a relative or...?" The nurse asked me.

I could lie and say I'm his cousin. Or I could just tell her the truth.

"I'm his b-boyfriend." It felt almost like a natural instinct to deny any type of relationship with Monty that I forgotten he came out yesterday. He came out yesterday.

"Oh okay. He's in the recovery room right now."

I let out a huge sigh of relief. He was okay, he made it. He survived. I started tearing up a little bit.

"Can I see him?" I asked.

"I think we can make some arrangements. Considering, no one else came to visit him yet. We'd just assumed he didn't have family." She said.

My heart broke at the sound of that.

"Follow me." She continued.

She took me down the hall to the room Monty was staying in. She opened the door, and there he was. Laying down, not awake. Not moving. Just, breathing.

"I probably should've told you...he's in a coma right now. So he won't respond to anything you say to him. And if he moves or anything, there's a button to press and the nurses will be right in to check on him."

She closed the door and left me in the room with him. I fucking just dropped to the floor. Again. I had to stay quiet this time, which made it hurt more. I crawled towards the bed and rested my head on the mattress, staring at him. He looked so peaceful, but I knew deep down he was in pain.

Not completely broken; Wonty / MinstonWhere stories live. Discover now