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Winston pov

After Monty almost blurting out the L word, I decided to tell him that I'm gonna become the photographer for football. He tried to play it off pretending he didn't mean to almost say it, but cmon now, I'm not dumb.

It's not like it was a bad thing, it's just way too soon-. Wait, what even is it too soon for? I mean we're not dating, so what is this?

Enough of stressing over what me and Monty are or aren't.

I told him I was gonna be the footballs teams personal photographer.

Football photographer: attends all practices, attends all games (away and home), goes on bus with team, doesn't have to pay to get in, and gets free meals just like the players.

I would say that I said yes to this because it would be good for my future, but I also said yes because of Monty.

Anyways, today's my first game as the official photographer for the football team. It's an away game like, 2 hours away. The rides gonna be so boring, but the ride back, who knows how that's gonna be. Crazy most likely.


I'm so nervous. Who's gonna sit next to me? I hope it isn't one of those guys with toxic masculinity.

The coach had informed me that all the seats would be filled with 2 people because we have such a big football team.

"Hey Winston, lets go. The bus is ready."

My palms started to sweat.

The coach had the players go in after me. And what a coincidence, Monty was first.

In some ways this was perfect, but I kinda didn't wanna sit next to him. My anxiety gets super crazy when I'm near him.

Monty sat on the seat up one and across from me. "Get up Monty. Sit next to Winston." Their coach said. I was internally cheering and screaming.

Here we go.

My heart is literally pounding out of my chest. How do I calm myself down?

"Hi." Monty said. That caught me by surprise. I didn't think he would talk to me, then again, we're gonna be on this bus for 2 hours, we have to at least say one word to each other.

"Hi." I said almost like a question.

"What a coincidence huh?"

"I suppose." I said trying to pretend to be uninterested.

"What's wrong?" Monty's face looked concerned and he placed his hand on my knee. We are all the way in the back and there was no seat directly across from us so no one could see where his hands were. I'll make sure to remember that on the ride back.

"Nothings wrong. I'm just thinking about stuff." Which I really was.

"Is it because of last night? Is that what you're thinking about?" He started to rub my knee. Oh how much I just wanted to kiss him.

"Yes and no. It's not that something bad happened, I'm just thinking. You know?"

"Yeah. If there is something that's bothering you, you can talk to me. Mkay?" He gave me a small smile.

"I know, I know." I returned the smile and then rested my head on the window.

Not gonna lie it kinda bothered me that I couldn't just kiss Monty whenever I wanted to. I'm not gonna tell him this because then I feel like I'm pressuring him to come out, and I don't wanna do that. But at some point, he's gonna have to because I don't wanna be hidden away. This conversation should be with him and not with my internal voice.

Not completely broken; Wonty / MinstonWhere stories live. Discover now