Just a bump in the road

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Monty pov

I'm so lucky to be alive right now.

Little by little, I'm starting to remember what happened before...you know, my dad nearly killing me.

I came out. Publicly. The only reason I remembered is because I started scrolling through Instagram and I clicked on my profile and saw I posted my favorite picture of me and Winston. Reading all the comments made me feel so happy and safe again.

Today is the day I get to leave. Winston said I could live with him. Which I'm still kinda iffy about. We're together and all, but it's just dating. And we're also still in high school. But I'm gonna stay with him for a while.

Speaking of Winston, he's been so quiet lately. He's probably still trying to process the fact that I woke up. But it's been 4 days and he hasn't said much to me. I actually shouldn't be talking, I'm still trying to process me being awake right now.

"Hey..." I said softly. I thought Winston didn't hear me but he looked up a couple seconds after I said that.

"What's wrong?" He sounded so concerned.

"I was just about to ask you that. What's wrong? You haven't been talking to me much."

He sighed, "It's nothing Monty. Just...trying to wrap my head around things. Don't worry. Okay?" Winston got up from his chair and came to give me a kiss on the lips. I missed his lips so much.

The room filled with silence once again but Winston broke it this time. "So I got all your stuff packed up already. I just need to call the doctor so they can, do whatever they do to let you leave. I'll be right back."


"You got it?" Winston asked as I was getting out of the car. I still felt so fucking weak, I hated it. If I was in that coma for any longer, I'd be as skinny as Winston, or maybe even skinnier.

I was so close to getting out of the car but I just fell back into my seat.

"FUCK!" I said frustrated. This shit is so annoying.

Winston started coming over to help me, "I got it." It came out a bit harsher than expected, he knows I'm not mad at him though. He backed away from me. At least he understands.

Eventually, I had gotten myself out of the car. Took about 5 emotional breakdowns and my knees almost buckling but it was worth it. The sooner I get back on my feet, the better.

Oh how much I missed a regular bed. Winstons bed was sooooo comfy. I loved it. It wasn't too squishy and wasn't too firm. He volunteered to unpack all my stuff. Which was mainly the things I got from the hospital because I didn't have any clothes.

The way Winston looked unpacking my stuff. He looked so god damn sexy today. He always does, but today, he's looks amazing. I can't help but stare at his ass now. It looked more plumper than I remember.

"Come lie down with me." I told Winston. He turned around and walked over to the bed and laid next to me. There was some space between us which I didn't like, so I scooted closer.

But he scooted away? Why?

I think he noticed the confusion on my face and he got closer to me.

"Sorry. I just wasn't sure if I'd hurt you or something." His voice was so uneasy. I didn't like it. It made me nervous.

"You can't hurt me Winston." I grabbed his hand and started to brush my thumb over his knuckles.

"Don't be so sure. I-I...fuck, I'm sorry for acting like this."

Not completely broken; Wonty / MinstonWhere stories live. Discover now