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Smut😈 also sorry if it's horrible, I haven't wrote smut in such a long time

Winston pov

Monty pushed me up against my wall.

We didn't have to be quiet because my parents are staying at a hotel overnight. Probably trying to have some fun like me and Monty.

Monty attacked my lips. The kiss was very intense and not slow at all. Our lips stayed attached for so long that when we finally pulled away, we were breathing so hard I thought I had ran a marathon.

His eyes were so dark, and full of lust. It was sexy. He is sexy.

I caught him off guard and I flipped us so now he was against the wall. I didn't push him like he did with me. It wasn't too long ago that he came out of a coma.

Monty had this big smile on his face. I guess he liked when I was in charge.

My hands went up and down his chest, gentle and slow. I know how much he craved my touch because I craved his.

I placed my lips on his neck and started to suck. Not too hard, but hard enough to leave a mark. I left about 8 hickies just on his neck.

The hickies were scattered. I didn't want to place them too close to each other. My mouth made its way back to his neck again, only leave a few more. After, I lightly licked over all of them.

"You're so pretty." Monty said while I was licking his neck.

My heart fluttered. You'd think he'd call my hot or sexy while I'm wearing this. I'm not complaining though. The words pretty, cute, or handsome always made me feel better about myself. Am I the only one that prefers those words?

"And you're handsome." I told Monty. I took my lips away from his neck only to connect them with his lips.

He squeezed my ass hard the whole time. It felt good, but it started to hurt after a while so I grabbed Monty's wrist and took him to my bed.

He was still standing, walking backwards until the back of his legs hit my bed and he sat down. As much as I wanted to push him on the bed, I couldn't.

He scooted farther back on the bed. I crawled over him and gently sat just below his dick. My eyes stared directly at it. God it was so big. I could handle pain, but I don't know about this.

Monty sat up and put his fingers under my chin and made me face him.

"Do you wanna stop?" He asked me.

"No. No, I was just thinking..." He looked at me confused. I wasn't gonna tell him what I was thinking, but I knew it would give him a confidence boost. And turn him on more.

"...about how your dick is gonna hurt so fucking bad but also feel soooo good inside of me because you're so big." If I heard someone say this to me I'd cringe. Monty on the other hand, loved what I said.

He tried to flip us over so that he was on top, "Nu uh. I'm in charge. I'm gonna satisfy you, and you're gonna do the same to me."

"And how are you gonna satisfy me?" I saw his Adam's Apple go up and then down. Was I making him nervous?

"By blowing you so good, you'll forget your own name. I'm gonna be playing with your balls while I suck you off. Massage them a little. Then before you come, I'm gonna tease you some. After that, I'm gonna ride you so fucking good."

Monty pov

Just from Winston saying that, I almost busted in my red suit.

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