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Winston pov

I sat outside in my car which was parked in the parking lot. Time goes by so slow especially when you want it to go by fast.

Monty still has another 30 minutes of practice.

Ughhhh. I just want to be with him already. I'm missing him way to much, we're not even dating.

Should I plan what we're gonna eat later? Yes. Hmm maybe some veggie burgers. Oh yeah, those sound good right now. With what sides though? Corn, and some steam carrots. I hope he'll like it.

I guess I should take a little nap.


I woke up to the sound of my phone blowing up. Oh shit, his practice finished 10 minutes ago.

I quickly answered the phone "Hey Monty I'm so sorry I had fallen asleep. I'm in the parking lot."

"Okay see you."

He hung up the phone first.

I started scrolling through Instagram and checking my Snapchat when I heard a loud knock on my window.

It scared me so bad. It was some football player that I didn't know the name of.

"Hey man. What are you doing here?" He said. He was tall, white, and had brown hair.

"I was just picking something up from Principal Bolan. Do I know you?"

"Uh sorry. The names Charlie. Didn't mean to be all creepy but I only asked because you looked kinda sus parked here after school."

"Yeah right. I'm leaving soon."

"Well before you leave, I have something to ask you. Just hear me out."

I raised my eyebrow. "Go on."

"Okay well obviously I play for the football team and not to be rude but you don't seem like the type to play football so I'm not asking you to join. But we do need a photographer. Tyler is a photographer but he's mainly in charge of the girls volleyball team, because they were afraid he was gonna get bullied. But anyways, do you wanna be our photographer?

I sat there and though for a second. Do I really wanna be part of the team?

"How did you know I was into photography?"

"Well, you're camera in sitting on the passenger seat."

I looked over, and it was.

We both laughed.

"Yeah right duh. But I'll think about it. And I'll definitely let you know."

Charlie pulled out his phone and open his contacts.

"Do you mind giving me your number?"

"No I don't mind."

I told him my number and he was about to finish setting me up as a contact when he stopped. He looked up at me, "I didn't even ask your name. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. My names Winston, Winston Williams."

"Okay perfect. Let me know as soon as possible." Charlie shouted while walking off.

2 minutes passed and then Monty came out the door. He walked up to my car and opened the passenger door and got in.

"Hey." Monty said with a smile.


I left the school parking lot before we could continue our conversation.

"So how was practice?"

"Good. Same as usual. We did a lot of conditioning though today, only because Zach forgot the right practice shirt."

"That sucks. Y'all have certain practice shirts y'all wear for each day?"

"No we just have 2 different shirts. We're required to bring both. Defense is one color offense is the other. Zach only brought one of his shirts so the whole team had to pay the price. It's not like we didn't need the extra conditioning though."

"Yeah. It's always good to get extra work in? So you hungry?"

"Starving actually." Monty had a big smirk on his face. He loved my cooking.

"Good because I'm making Veggie Burgers."

"Oh that sounds so good."

I turned the music louder because we weren't talking at the moment.

We finally arrived to my house and Monty got out of the car so slow. He looked so exhausted.

"I'll take your bag if you want."

"Really? Thanks man."

Man? Wow, that kinda hurt me. I'm not one of his buddies, but I'm also not his boyfriend. What even am I to him?

I didn't say anything back. I just walked faster than him so he wouldn't be right behind me. I dropped off his stuff in the guest room and passed him while I was going down the stairs and he was going up still.

Time to cook.


"Monty, the foods ready!" I yelled from downstairs. I had both of our plates already made and just needed to serve them.

When he got downstairs his hair was wet and he had different clothes on than before.

"Glad to see you took a shower."

"Hygiene is key." Monty said with a smirk.

"So how was school?" Monty broke the silence.

I finished chewing my food then I swallowed it. "It was okay. I kinda got lost today but some nice people helped me around."

"That's good. Anything interesting happen?"

Why so many questions? I mean it didn't bother me, it's just that Monty wasn't usually so talkative with me. It was always the other way around, but today I wasn't so talkative and he was.

"No nothing much. But this random guy came up to my car after I had texted you where I was."


"He said his name was Charlie. I think that was his name. He was tall, white, and he had brown hair."

"Yup that's definitely Charlie. What did he want?"

"He asked me if I was interested in being y'alls photographer."

Monty didn't say anything back.

"But of course didn't say yes right away. I didn't know if you'd like that."

Monty pov

That hurt my heart. Winston was afraid of saying yes to big opportunities just because of my scared self. Winston should've been able to say yes instantly.

I reached out for his hand and squeezed it.

"No of course I'd like that. You can do whatever you want. Don't let my selfish, coward self stop you from opportunities."

Winston squeezed my hand back.

"You're not selfish, you're just not ready. And that's okay. I shouldn't force you to come out if you're not ready. Now that's being selfish."

"No Winston. I am selfish. Stop lying to yourself."

"I'm not lying to myself. I know you Monty. I know your story, I know the way you are, I know not everything about you but I still know you. You're not selfish Monty. Trust me."

"I lov-." Oh shit. I almost blurted out something that would've messed everything up. I saw Winstons eyes go wide.

"So how's the food?" Winston changed the subject. Thank goodness, it was getting awkward. I hadn't even noticed that Winston let go of my hand. Way to go Monty.

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