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Monty pov

After my dad beat me up, I just laid there on the grass. I never realized how beautiful the sky was before.

I had no choice but to just look up. I couldn't move at all. I felt as if I was paralyzed or something.

Then, I heard the grass rustling. As if someone was walking on it. It got louder, and louder.

Someone was standing above me. Looking down at me. I couldn't see who it was.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?"

I recognized that voice.

"Winston? What are you doing here? You have to leave now!"

"I have to help you. You can barely move."

"I'm fine. Please leave now. My dad might come out again. Go."

Winston sighed. But I knew he wasn't gonna listen to me.

"Fine, I'll leave, but I'm taking you with me."

And with that, Winston squatted down and put his arms under my armpits. He was struggling to pick me up, but he managed.

We walked to his car. He reclined the passenger seat all the way back so that I could lie down and be comfortable. Although I was in pain, I couldn't help but smile.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Where do you want me to take you?"

"Not the hospital." I didn't want them finding out about what my dad did to me.

"Okay. And why is that?"

"I don't want them to ask how this happened. They can't find out."

"Monty your dad abuses you. Why don't you want people to know? He will get arrested and the abuse will stop. You know that right?"

"Yes Winston I know. But if they find out, they'll take me to a foster home, since I'm not an adult yet. That means I'll be removed from Liberty. Liberty is my escape from my dad. I have football scholarships that I can take and get away. Although I'm only a sophomore, having these schools offer me scholarships let's me know I have a for sure ticket out."

"I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't know. I won't take you to the hospital."

"No it's okay. You didn't know. So where are you taking me then?"

"My house I guess."

I turned to look away so I could hide my smile. "So you're basically kidnapping me."

"Oh shut up. I'm trying to help you. I could just stop the car and leave you on the side of the road if I wanted to."

I lifted my arm up ever so slowly. I tried to hit him, considering how bad my dad left me, I didn't hit him very hard.

The rest of the car ride was filled with silence. It wasn't bad or awkward silence, just, silence. I felt as if I had known Winston my whole life, when in reality, I just met him like 2 hours ago. It sounds crazy to say, but I feel like Winston understands me more than any of my closest friends.

Winston pov

We finally got to my house. I parked my car in the garage and I immediately went on the passenger side of the car to help Monty get out.

I wasn't afraid of my parents asking what happened to him because they were never here. They hardly ever were home, so this house was basically mine. Just purchased with their money.

"What if your parents see me?"

"They won't."

I saw his face. He was so confused.

"How are you so sure?"

"Because they're not here." I said this kinda aggressive. I don't know what struck me, but I just said it that way.

"Oh okay."

I took him all the way up to the guest room. The guest room was pretty big compared to what a normal guest room would look like. There's was a queen size bed, full bathroom, tv, couch, and Xbox in there.

"Is this your room?" Monty's face was so lit up, even though he was in so much pain. He was amazed with the room.

"Uh no it's actually the guest room."

Monty was taken aback.

"Holy shit. I should've known you were rich when I saw what side of town we were on."

I helped him to the bed and he just laid straight on his back. Looking up, just like he was outside his house.

I started to walk towards the door,

"I'm all dirty. I feel gross and sweaty." Monty said.

"There's a restroom right there."

Monty tried to get up, but he couldn't.

Sometimes I can be stupid and not realize obvious things.

"Never mind. I should be fine."

I felt so bad. I have to help him.

"No come on I'll help you."

I went back over to the bed and lifted him off. I threw his arm over my shoulder and we walked to the restroom.

There was a shower and a bath tub in there.

"Which one?"


I turned the water on for him. "There's a rag under the sink to wash your body, towels in the closet, as well as: deodorant, toothpaste and tooth brush, hair brush, gel if you want, and a blow dryer. Let me know if there's anything else you need."

I turned my back towards him,

"I kinda need help, um, this is embarrassing but like I need help taking my clothes off. And I can shower by myself, I just might need help after, you know. To get out."

My back was still facing him. When he said that, I felt my cheeks get hot, and I knew I was blushing. I had to keep my cool though, Monty wasn't trying to be sexual with me, he was trying to take a shower. And he needed my help.

"No yeah I know. I'll help you."

I first lifted up his shirt. Very slow.

I wonder what's going through his mind. I hope he was feeling what I was feeling. Or maybe he wasn't. Maybe all I was to him was a hookup.

After I took his shirt off I placed it on the ground. I turned around facing him again and I couldn't help but admire his 6 pack. Holy shit.

Now on to the bottoms. I undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.

"Sit on the toilet." I wanted to make it easier for him so he wouldn't lose his balance when I took his jeans off.

I slide them down his legs and put them with his shirt.

"These too?" I asked hinting towards his boxers. I was so nervous, even though I already had seen it, it felt like it was my first time. It felt different than before. Before was nothing but lust. Now, I feel like my heart beating and I feel...

Monty pov

butterflies in my stomach. I'm not sure what's going on with me but right here, right now with Winston, feels okays to me.

"Uh yea those too."

Winston grabbed the waistband of my boxers. He closed his eyes before he slid them off. That honestly made my heart beat faster and the butterflies go crazy. He was so respectful, and didn't do anything unless I wanted him to.

I think I might have feelings for this guy.

Not completely broken; Wonty / MinstonWhere stories live. Discover now