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Winston pov

I can't believe he kissed me. Does he have actual real feelings for me? Or was I just a hookup?

Those questions have been in my mind for the longest time. Well actually since we got to my house which was like an hour ago.

We had been kissing for about 10 seconds then Monty suddenly pulled away. He pulled away so fast, I thought I did something wrong.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that."

"No it's okay." I started to lean in,

He put his hand on my chest to keep me from kissing him, "It's just that I'm not gay."


That's all I could say. I felt so embarrassed, sad, confused, just everything. I didn't know what to do.

"You should get some rest." I said.

I helped him back up to the guest room.

I didn't go inside the room with him, I just dropped him off. I turned away. I heard his voice but I didn't hear the words he said.

Monty pov

I hurt Winston. Again. This time emotionally.

I like him. It's just that he deserves someone who isn't afraid of being themselves and that's not me. He deserves someone who will show him off and love him in front of others. I'm a pussy, coward, and any other word that has the same meaning.

Maybe the day I learn to love and accept myself, I'll be able to love Winston. To be with him. But for now, I can't.

I should get some rest though.

*next day in the morning*

I woke up to a text message from my little sister Estella.

"Where are you?"

"Stayed at Bryce's."

I threw my phone on the bed and headed to the restroom. I completely forgot about yesterday so I got up too fast for my sore body. I needed to get used to it anyways.

I brushed my teeth with the extra toothbrush Winston had given me. I also used this really good face wash that he also gave me. CeraVe I think it was.

What do I do now?

Do I wait for him to get me? Or do I go downstairs? I don't want to be like rude and just roam around the house.

But I decided to do that anyways.

I made a quick stop to Winstons room. I silently opened the door.

There he was, still sound asleep. He looked so peaceful and cute. If I wasn't such a coward and a pussy I'd go up to him right now, lie down with him, and spoon him.

I closed the door. Where should I start?

I headed down the hallways and looked at all the paintings and pictures hung up on the walls. There wasn't many, but the ones I saw were nice. They were of Winston when he was a baby or a kid. He looked just as cute as he did right now.

The paintings on the other hand were abstract. I'm pretty sure they were done by his parents because at the bottom it said "-Williams".

I headed down stairs because I finished looking at everything.

I already have seen the kitchen, but I haven't been to the living room or other rooms. He's super rich so I would doubt him having like an entertainment room.

Not completely broken; Wonty / MinstonWhere stories live. Discover now