We're in the wild area! (Chapter twenty)

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Allura's POV
First person style

It took about a minute or two but me and Gloria found Hop around one of those glowing dens after leaving Sonia.

Since the wild area was so big and we all wanted to do different stuff at the same time, me Hop and Gloria all decided to split up temporarily and regroup at a spot near the forest part of the wild area once the sun starts to set.

Well, we could have all called each other and decided a spot to meet up over the phone before the sun went down, but of course, I'm the one kid in the group that doesn't have a phone so that plan was ruined right then and there.

They weren't mad at me at all for not owning a rotom phone, but my brain and my stupid emotions still felt the need to feel really bad about it for some reason and start to tear up a little- right In front of them I might add!

Why does that even happen? Why can't I just deal with problems without my first response being to just start crying?

The worst part is it wasn't even much of a problem, even after Hop over reacting a little we just came up with another solution right afterwards! But oh well I guess...

Aside from that; shortly after splitting up I decided to do some training with my team as well as just taking some time to look around at everything.

This way I can get rid of Cinder's extra energy with training, allow Mimikyu to look around at everything, and in the end everyone gets some battling experience to make the first gym easier.

Oh and I have got to remember to eat later, I'm so hungry that it hurts... I'd do something about it now but I don't have anything to eat. Plus I have to feed Cinder and Mimikyu too. I think Hop said something about making curry when we all got back together so I think that should be enough for everyone.

But if it's not I don't really have to eat, I found out that when I get hunger pains they go away if I just don't think about it for long enough. So that should let me go a little longer without having anything. I've been doing this trick on myself for a quite a while now so I'm sure I'll be fine.

Anyways we just finished a battle with a Bunnelby. That took a long time since we didn't have any type advantages.

But I guess it was worth it because now we get relax for a few minutes. Or at least we were supposed to.

Right now me and Mimikyu are sitting on the grass watching Cinder try to climb a tree.

This all started because me and Cinder were having a conversation, and somehow while we where talking she said something that caused me to tell her that 'I don't think rabbits can climb trees.'

And she responded by telling me that I was wrong and she'd prove it.

So now we watched as the rabbit clung to the bark of the tree two feet above the ground with claws that went dull from all the scraping as she attempted to go farther up.

I guess I should be admiring her determination, but really I'm just trying to decide whether it would be right to just tell her to give it up before she snaps a claw and hurts her quick. I'm not sure if that would be right or not so I just stay quiet.

"Score..!" {Almost... there..!} she grunted from the effort of hauling herself up the tree. Now one arm stuck out reaching for a branch that was still quite a few feet too high for her to grab.

Then suddenly I think her muscles gave out because she sighed and suddenly lost her grip before falling onto her back in the grass.

"Are you ok?" I asked speaking up.

{Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Though I'm still not going to say you where right.} she told me stubbornly before getting up and dusting herself off.

I just shrugged and stood up, stretching one of my legs just because it felt tight from sitting there. "Have it your way then." I shrugged before standing up normally again and looking up in the sky to see how much time we had left to be out.

Still a lot since sunset was still many hours away but not as much time as I would like to have. I mean it's not like we need much more training for today, we haven't lost a battle yet so I think we're ok for a while. But I'd still like to find another teammate so after beckoning my friends over we set out on a walk to find some more pokémon.

••• a while later •••

So Pokémon recruiting isn't going too well. We got into more fights then I thought we would have so everyone including me is pretty scratched up right now.

No one has any scares or anything but I do have a black eye now, but I pulled more hair over that one spot to make it hard to see so that no one would see the slightly swollen eye that that Machop gave me.

Now we where still on a winning streak, well- sort of. We didn't exactly loose but when things got tough and I was afraid one of them would get seriously hurt I scooped them both up and made a run for it.

So technically we didn't loose, where just a bunch of cowards.

And by that I mean I'm probably being way too over protective of creatures capable of being hit with Draco meteor, flamethrower, surf, toxic, crotch kick (not a exactly pokémon move but one of my own special moves) and many other life ending moves and only coming out with a few minor scratches, cuts or burns. Or it can be something serious but they can just eat a berry or herb of some sort and be okay.

But even if they are able to survive all that I still don't want them to get critically injured for no good reason.

{well that went great...} Mimikyu said sarcastically, while perched on my shoulder.

"I know right? And we escaped everything unscathed" I replied with the same sarcastic tone. Cinder gave us both a half smile, it seemed like she wanted to say something too but probably couldn't think of anything good.

"Well." I started smoothing some of the fuzzy parts of my hair down with one hand. "The sun is going to set soon. I think we should start heading to the woods now. It's not that far so we should have time to rest before the others get back." I suggested

And with that everyone on my team immediately agreed and we all trekked over to the cluster of trees to sit down for a long while.

(Another chapter down. Hey, anyone know how to improve writing skills? I still think that mine suck, but they probably don't, but either way it doesn't hurt to try and get better so; any tips?)

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