Chapter eight (The fluffy little coward)

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Cinder's POV  1st person style

My ears turned on there own to point behind me when I heard something behind me fall to the ground. I know that in a battle I should keep my eyes on my target but I just had to see what it was.
I turned around only to freeze in dismay when I saw Allura laying limp on her side. Mimikyu, Hop, and Gloria where out cold as well.
'What knocked them out..?!'
I wondered as I stared at them all in disbelief.

I started to walk over to see if they where all still alive but the blue wolf leaped over my head to stand behind Allura's limp body. It loomed over her and stared at me in a way that sent a chill down my spine. I wanted to blast another fire ball out it but I knew it wouldn't work. I looked past the giant dog to the path we came from. 'I can go find the campion! His Charizard should be enough to get rid of these wolves! Or I hope so at least...'

I dashed forwards to run around the dog but then it lunged at me and snapped its jaws just and inch away from my nose. Out of pure terror I let out a high pitched cry and leaped backwards before running off on all fours deeper into the woods.
I ran and ran as fast as my little legs would go. I never bothered to look back. I never thought going back to save the others. 'Need to run! Need to run! Wait- where am I going?! Oh never mind that, if I stop I'll die! If I stop they'll kill me!'
Is all I could think about for a good five minutes before my legs finally gave out beneath me and i went sliding into the dirt, sliding across the dark soil and a few sharp pebbles that had been mixed in. My adrenaline was still pumping super hard so I barely felt any pain from the rocks that made long cuts on my torso and chin. Luck for me none of the scratches where on my throat or any other vital place.
I forced myself up, still panting hard from the run. I looked behind me and saw nothing but patches of tall grass and fog. No dogs.

I sighed in relief before pulling at my ears in frustration "Since when did you become such a big coward, Cinder?! You left your trainer! You left your teammate and those other trainers to die! And why; because you where scared? You're horrible!" I shouted scolding myself before letting go of my ears and flopping onto my side. I let my eyes tear up as I continued "I should just walk back and hand myself over to the wolves..!"
And then I cried softly for a good minute or two, laying there on the ground. My face was berried in my arms and my ears dropped to the side.

"Little bunny..? Are you alright..?"
I heard a soft voice ask. I sighed and sat up wiping the tears from my face with my damp paw.
"Im sorry to disturb you. I just heard you crying and I came over to investigate. You just looked so sad and-"
"Run off, would ya?" I cut them off In a rather harsh tone "A cowered like me doesn't deserve to be comforted..."
I told them in a more depressing tone. Then the speaker floated in front of me and I saw that it was a little Munna. A male one.
"I won't go till you tell me why you're sad!" He said  firmly. I rolled my eyes and decided to confess. Who knows, maybe talking to someone will help.
"Fiiine. I was crying because I ran away like a coward when my trainer needed me." I told her "we where attacked by these two big wolfs and I just ran off. And right after I promised to protect her no matter what!"
"Poor thing. I don't know if I can help with that. But you can't be all that bad. No use in fighting a battle you can't win a so posed..." she told me. I knew she was attempting to make me feel better but it really wasn't helping. I stood up and prepared to walk off and then the pink pig thingy floated in front of my face again. I narrowed my eyes because I was started to get a bit annoyed with her. I mean him.

"Bog off already! I get that you're trying to help but-"
"Look, you can leave just don't be sad alright! I just wanted you to know that I don't think you're a wuss!"
"That's really sweet, don't get me wrong it really is. But you don't even know me. How do you know I'm not a wuss."
The munna stammered for a moment. Clearly it hadn't thought of a response to something like that.
"Gah! Just- know you're special and don't get down like this again!" Then they floated off "okay bye!"

I shrugged "That was weird..." I told myself and then I kept walking. It didn't take long for me to run into something else. A giant dragon-shaped shadow flew over head and familiar roar came with it. But I looked up to see nothing but a blue sky with scattered clouds. I was pretty confused for a few moments before a large pokémon landed heavily in front of me. I looked up at it in surprise but at the angle that the sun was it just made them look like a large shadow. And it looked like they had something fluffy hanging from their mouth..? Then another human shaped shadow hopped down from the dragon-winged shadow it walked up to me and reached out for my ears.
I squeaked in fear and turned around to run but before I could even get started I had been picked up by the ears.
"You're in big trouble missy." I heard them say.

{Word count: 1015}

{Woooooooo!-}(Edited to change dialogue)Word count: 1021

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(Edited to change dialogue)
Word count: 1021

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