Chapter 1

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Kol was walking around town when he started to choke and his neck was snapped.

When he woke up he was in a room the door opened and Elena was thrown in. She had cuts all over her.

"Elena" Kol said.

Elena groaned and sat up she seen Kol and backed up."Get away from me" It was no secret that Elena was scared of Kol she thought that she had a hell of a right to be."What are you doing here"

"I don't know of all people i had to get trapped with you"  Kol groaned. He couldn't believe that this was happening.

"I'm human again so if your going to kill me then just kill me put me out of my misery you'd be doing me a favor" Elena said. she just wanted to die she wanted it to be over.

"What happened to you" Kol asked.

"I was doing great wonderful boyfrend i'm human again he was take the cure to be human with me this witch killed Jo Alarics fiance right before they were prenounced married he took me here made a clone thats in a sleeping curse been in here 5 months you"

"I have a girlfriend Davina my older sister Freya my neice Hope finally good"

Kai walked to the door. He held his hand out and made Kol start to scream."Draining your magic i am about to turn a lot of people against you two and make the most powerful witch ever your enemy"

"What are you doing to him" Elena asked.

"Starving him 1 months 1 year 10 years 50 98 special number have fun" Kai closed the door and walked away.

Elena ran over to him"Here feed"

"No" Kol demanded. He didn't want to feed to hard.

"Now" Elena ordered. She gave him her wrist. His vampire face came out. He sunk his fangs into her wrist. After a few mintues he let go. He bit his wrist and offered it to her."It won't work i took the cure"

"Try" Kol said, Elena nodded and took his wrist she took a little and didn't throw up she took a little more then they both blacked out.


3 hours later

Elena and Kol woke up with no memory of the last three hours. They were both sitting on the couch.

"What just happened" Elena asked. She was so confused.

-- 3 months later.

They were both still trapped in the room and Elena suddenly had a sudden need to throw up. She got up and ran to the trash and threw up everything in her stomach.

Kol vamped towards her and helped her stand,"Are you ok" The two had become closer over the last three months. Elena helping him not starve. And him healing her whenever she needed it.

Kai walked up to the door"I see it worked you two blacked out bad you remember a thing my spell worked i just managed to tear everything apart congrats she's pregnant three months don't remember what happened during that black out"

"Thats not possible vampires can't procreate" Kol said.

"With the procreation spell you can" Kai smirked.

"so hope is what 2 and a half lizzie and joise are newly borns and in 5 months you'll have a little girl of your own and you can't kill the baby as long as your pregnant and they'll be finding you any day now have fun explaining what happened"

"They will kill me" Elena's breathing started to get heavy. She knew that this wasn't going to go well."His siblings hate me my friends are going to freak i really hate you"

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