25~ Mr. Mood Swings

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No one talked to me for the rest of the night. Liam and Sophie were too busy conversing and flirting to even notice me, and none of the other lads came out of their rooms. Well, except for Louis, but he only came out to grab a sandwich out of the fridge and then he disappeared back into the depths of his room. He pretended like I wasn’t even there, and no matter I tried desperately to explain what had happened earlier, he wouldn’t even pause to listen.

I could tell he had already been pissed off at something before he had seen Niall and I hugging. That much was obvious enough. But at whom? Or what? But most importantly, why? I groaned because I already knew it was helpless to try and ask him about it.

 For the rest of the night I just moped around on the couch while watching some terrible sitcom. I only caught bits and pieces of it, though, as I was preoccupied with my thoughts.

 I pondered over the whole thing all night. What could Harry have told Louis that would get him so upset? It didn’t seem like there could be all that many possibilities because Lou was one of those people who never really got all that angry. He was just a happy-go-lucky kind of lad. Unless, of course, it was something big. It seemed like it had to be about me, or else he would have told me by now, right? I thought he would have trusted me enough by now to tell me if it wasn’t about me.

 And then, I nearly fell off the couch as I realized how blatantly obvious it was. There was only one thing that he could be so freaked out and mad about. Only one thing that Harry could have told Lou that would have made him react like that.

 Louis and I did have sex at that club.

 And that was enough to make me start hyperventilating. A million different thoughts shot through my head, none of them being the least bit coherent.

 For fuck’s sake, I didn’t even remember it!

 I wasn’t sure how I should feel about it. Part of me was completely and utterly freaked out by the entire thing. We barely knew each other, and we actually might have started to progress into an actual relationship, and then we fucked?! That was just entirely fucked up- no pun intended.

 On the other hand, however, we… we fucked. It was just as simple as that.

 I groaned, hiding my face in my hands. I had been so freaked out when I saw the magazine the first time. You’d think that knowing that we had actually gone all the way would have pushed me over the edge of insanity. But somehow… it didn’t. I was perfectly calm. Well, actually, I was still hyperventilating, but other than that, I was calm.

 Was it because I had already subconsciously known that that was what had happened? Or was it because I had… wanted it to happen? No, that couldn’t be it. That just made me sound like a whore. I’ve known him for only four and a half days!

 I sat up just in time to see Liam walking Sophie to the door.

 “Sorry everyone else has just been off in their rooms. Not the best hosts,” Liam apologized.

 “Oh, that’s fine! I had a great time, either way,” Sophie giggled, looking flirtatiously at Liam.

 They hugged, and Liam invited her to come back over tomorrow, and she took up the offer in an instant. Soon, enough, the door closed, and Liam walked off down the hall, probably off to his room to sleep. He… he didn’t even notice me on the couch just a couple meters away. I felt like I was slowly becoming invisible.

 Maybe I was. It would make me feel better about everyone ignoring me.

 I sighed, picking myself up and heading towards the guest room that I had been told I could stay in earlier in the day. Paul had put my bag on the bed, and I sluggishly dug through it until I found my favorite sweats and an oversized t-shirt. I quickly threw them on, and then brushed my teeth in the adjacent bathroom before trudging back and curling in a ball underneath the covers of the comfortable bed.

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