11~ Those Seven Minutes

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(A/N Oh my gosh, this has been one of my favorite chapters to write so far. I got this idea near the begining of my story and have been looking for the perfect place to bring it into the story, and so now, here it is! Enjoy! --SpoonsAndCarrots :) xx)

Well, he was right; there really was no fricken' way to get out of this. "Dare," I manged to squeak out, hoping that was the right choice. I sure as hell wasn't going to pick truth again. Well, at least, not from Harry. Maybe from someone else, but definitely not from him.

Harry grinned like a madman. "I was hoping you'd pick that," he said, and my heart started beating faster as I started to freak out internally. What was he going to make me do?!

"Well, actually, you might see this as a good thing, but from how you've acted so far, you'll most likely be mortified," he told me, and I gulped. He paused, seeming to do so only to allow me more time to freak out at his words. I just stared at him, willing him to just tell me already. I was growing more anxious by the second; of course, I was sure he knew this, which just made him wait even longer.

"Hmm..." he thought our loud. "You know, maybe I should change this to something else because you might see this as something totally wonderful and--"

"Just tell me the damn dare!" I growled, growing impatient.

"Okay, okay! Geez, no need to be so mean about it." I just rolled my eyes at him. "Well, first of all, that closet," he pointed to a door on one side of the room, "is it a walk-in closet or just a regular one?"

"It's a walk-in... Why do you ask?" I wondered, begining to feel very uneasy.

"Well..." he began, another smirk creeping onto his face, "I dare you to go in that closet."

Wait, what? That was it? "Okay...?" I said, very confused.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not finished yet," he grinned evily, and I just sat there, not knowing how to react. "You have to spend seven whole minutes in there." When I still looked puzzled, he went on. "Seven minutes in heaven... with Lou."

My eyes widened to the size of tennis balls. My mouth dropped open, and I just stared at him. Had I heard him right? I must not have, I couldn't have, I...

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. What did you say?" I asked, trying to keep the butterflies in my stomach under control.

"You. Lou. In the closet. Your average round of seven minutes in heaven." he said, then proceeding to pucker his lips and make smooching noises. I took a deep breath, trying not to let my nerves show, but failing. I still hadn't even really glanced at Louis since before Harry asked me that ever so embarrassing question at the beginning of the game; how was I supposed to go in a closet alone with him and have 'seven minutes in heaven' if I couldn't even look at him?

I know most fans would have killed to be in my position, but I really didn't want to do this. Well, at least, not now. Maybe after all of this awkwardness had faded, but certainly not now. What would happen in there anyway? Would we even feel comfortable enough with each other to kiss? I doubted it. But then again, Lou did kiss me yesterday without even really knowing me first. But there was also the fact that this situation would be a lot more intimate than yesterday, so probably not...? Maybe? Oh god, I don't know. I swear, Harry and his revenge will be the death of me.

"Well, are you going to get up and go to the closet with Lou or am I going to have to drag you in?" Harry smirked, inturrupting my thoughts. I jumped when he spoke, my heart rate increasing drastically. I stood up clumsily and looked around at all of the boys. Harry was still grinning stupidly, obviously very happy with himself for coming up with his 'genius plan'. Niall waggled his eyebrows at me, and I just rolled my eyes. Zayn was laughing, though at what exactly I wasn't quite sure, as there were a lot of things to chose from. Liam just looked very amused, curious to see what would happen. So am I, Liam, I thought to myself, so am I.

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