27~ The Truth About Daddy

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I walked briskly for a few blocks until the mob of people on the sidewalks thickened and I could no longer tell where the entrance to their flat had been. I caught my breath before waving over a cab. I hopped in and told the driver my address, and he began to make his way through the heavy traffic. Time seemed to be moving too slowly. I just wanted to get home. I wanted everything to be okay again.

“Hey, miss, are you all right?” The sudden voice of the driver scared me, and I could see his chocolate brown eyes staring at me through the rear view mirror. It took me a second to register that I was supposed to respond.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” I stuttered unconvincingly. He studied me in the rearview mirror with uncertain eyes, but he didn’t say anything else as he began to make his way towards my house.

I was surprised that my phone didn’t make a sound the entire way. I thought maybe someone would try to call me. Sophie and Louis and Niall and everyone else… they never tried to talk to me, and I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or not.

After what seemed like an eternity, the taxi came to a stop in front of my house, and I paid the driver and got out. The sight of the house made me shiver, and took in a deep breath before continuing towards the front door.

I made my way inside, and the sight that greeted me as I walked through the doorway broke my heart. There was my mom, the one who was always composed and strong, bawling on the couch in the living room. Never in my whole life had I seen her so worked up about anything.  It was as if every bad thing that had happened over the years had just built up inside of her, and it had all burst out at once.

“Mom, I’m here, it’s okay,” I cooed as I ran over to envelope her in a hug. “Breathe mom, everything’s alright.”

She gasped for air in between her sobs, and I just kept on trying to calm her down. Slowly but surely her cries grew quieter and her breathing slowed.

“Shh mom, it’s okay…”

“Shy, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. For everything,” she whispered as she brushed the tears off her face.

“…If you don’t mind my asking, what brought this up all of the sudden? The whole dad thing anyways,” I attempted to say casually.

She sat up straighter, composing herself. As she spoke this time, her voice had no evidence of the tears that she had just shed. “He’s going to court again. Apparently new evidence was found from the case that might be able to prove he’s innocent, so they’re going to have another trial.”

I paused, letting the information sink in. “…But that doesn’t make any sense. Shouldn’t you be happy? If they can prove he’s innocent, then that’s good, right?”

She sighed. I tried to meet her eyes, but she wouldn’t look up at me. And that’s when I realized it.

“You… you think he actually did it, don’t you.” It came out as more of an accusation than a question. She nodded ever so slightly.

A burst of rage shot through me, but I suppressed the urge to act upon it. I just took a deep breath and clamped my mouth shut to make sure that I wouldn’t say anything that I would regret. I didn’t need to get in another fight with my mom; one was enough, thank you.

“Why?” I asked, breaking the silence. My eyes flickered up to her dark blue ones, willing her to explain.

“What was I supposed to believe? All of the evidence from the first trial pointed to him. As much as I wanted him to be innocent, he wasn’t. I denied it for a long time, but sooner or later I knew I’d have to accept that he was…” she trailed off.

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