Chapter 6

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I told Nikki about me and Marc and she flipped out.


"Yes, but I don't know if i liked it or not".

"He's your best friend, Eva"

"I know, what should I do"?

"Talk to him and see if he likes you".

"Okay, but i kind of like him to"


"What? He's nice, funny, cute".

"You've been friends for years now. It's like he's your brother".

"I know. Let's just go to sleep and I'll talk to him tomorrow".

"Okay, goodnight Eva".

"goodnight Nikki".

I went to bed around 2:00am.

next morning

I drove to Camp Nou and went to find Marc.

I found him practicing so I walked up to him.

"Hey marc, can i talk to you for a minute, please"

"Yeah, sure"

We walked off the field and into the tunnel.

"What's up".

"Uhm, you remember last night right"?

"Yeah what about it"?

"Why did you do it"?

"I've always had a crush on you and I could't take not having you to myself".

"So you had s*x with me just so you could have me because you had a crush on me"?

"Pretty much".

"You could have just told me you had a crush on me".

"I know and I'm sorry".

I had tears in my eyes.

"Don't cry please".

"Just leave okay, just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you"

He left and I fell to the floor crying.

I hid my face in my hands and cried.

I suddenly felt an arm wrap around me.

"What's wrong".

I look up and into his hazel green eyes.


"Yes there is, tell me".

"You promise you won't tell anyone"?

"I promise".

"Well, I was sitting in my living room when marc came in and kissed me. He told me he's always wanted to kiss me. So, I kissed him back and it turned into s*x and I came here to ask him why he did that and turns out he has a crush in me.Why didn't he just tell me? Now I feel like sh*t and can't get this out of my head no matter what I do".

I started crying again.

"Don't cry, you're beautiful and Marc doesn't see that like I do".

"You don't mean that".

"What if I did mean it"?

I met Neymar's eyes and couldn't stop staring.

"You don't".

"Yes I do, Marc's just too stupid to realize that you're smart, beautiful, and outgoing".

I smile and giggle a little. I would have never imagined a guy like him. He made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, unlike Marc.

"Neymar, what are you doing"?

"Trying to make you feel better".

I laughed and kissed him cheek.

I stare at him for a second then I kissed him.

He kissed me back and he was a damn good kisser.

We parted lips and I said "That made me feel better".

He laughed and we got up of the floor.

"I'll see you around" i said.

"Wait, before you go, could I give you my number, just incase you need anything or antone to talk to".

"Sure". I pulled my phone out and gave it to him.

"Thanks" he said.

"No problem". I put my phone back into my purse and walked away.

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