Chapter 14

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 I woke up the next day with bottles around me room. Some were filled and some were empty.

I grabbed the half full bottle of rum and drunk it.

I got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror.

Makeup was all over my face, my eyes were red and puffy, my hair was messy as hell, I had alcohol spots on my shirt from when it spilled on me.

I looked awful. But I didn't care

I left the bottle in my room and walked downstairs.

"Morn..Eva, what happended to you"?

"Rough night".

"You look like you've been crying".

I didn't answer her and walked to the couch.

"Have you been drinking"?

"No" i lied.

"Eva, you look like you're drunk".

"I'M NOT DRUNK" i yelled.

"EVA, YOU'RE DRUNK AND NEED HELP" she yelled back.


I stormed out of the living room, went upstairs, into my room, and grabbed a random bottle of alcohol, and drunk it.

I don't remember much after that.

More weeks later

I cut down on drinking because we didn't have any more,  all 7 bottles were empty because I drunk them all.

I was finally sober, but I missed the feeling of the burning sensation going down my throat.

I drove to Marc's house so I could talk to him.

At Marc's House

I explained everything that happened that day.

"Eva, I'm so sorry I accused you".

"It's okay".

I kissed him on the cheek and stared into his green eyes then I kissed his lips. He returned the kiss and put his hands on my waist. We kissed for a long time, then he got up, picked me up, and carried me into his room.


Marc was sleep, so I got up, got dressed and left a note that said "hey, thanks for understanding, and thanks for the amazing day, so we're cool right? I hope so, ttyl, Eva".

I walked out of his house and went to the closest liqour store. I bought 2 bottles of vodka and drove home.

I drunk a couple of glasses then I thought about Neymar. I missed him and wanted him.

I decided to walk to Ney's house. I used Goggle Maps to figure out where he lived.

When I finally found it, I knocked on the door and he opened it.

"Eva, what are you doing here"?

"K-K-Kiss m-me, no-now" i slurred.

"Are you drunk"?


"Get in here".

He dragged me in and i made a 'meow' sound like a naughty girl.

"Stop, just sit on the couch and wait here for a second".

He ran upstairs and I waited. After a minute, I started to get bored so I, very drunkly, tried to go up the stairs. I manage to get up the stairs and find his room.

"Eva, what are you doing up here. I thought i told you to stay on the couch".

"Ooo, a bed". I giggle like a little girl and lay on it.

"Eva, you should sleep".

"Okay, as long as you sleep with me" I said, winking.

"No, I'm not havining s*x with you".

"Please Ney" i said with a puppy dog face.

"No, Eva, you're drunk".

"Neymar, please, I want you".

I got off the bed, walked over to him, and kissed him

He broke the kiss "Eva, stop, you don't want to do this. I may love you, but you'll regret this".

"No I won't".

I took off my shirt and bra. He just stared at me.

I grabbed his hand and walked him over to the bed and pushed him onto the bed.

last one for the night but after school tomrrow, i can write as mich as I can because it's the weekend :) goodnight and don't forget to commnet and vote for this story. LOVE YOU GUYS <3 <3

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