Chapter 17

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"Neymar. What are you doing here"?

"Is Marc here"?

"No, he went to help Suarez with something. Here, come inside, I know you're cold".

He came in a sat on the couch.

I walked back upstairs to put on some shorts.

I came back and went into the kitchen.

"Do you want coffee or hot chocolate"?

"Hot chocolate, please".

I fixed us both hot chocolate. I handed him his and sat on the couch.

"Thanks, how have you been"?

"Good, you"?


"What's wrong"?

"You know how I was dating that girl, Selena"?

"Yeah. What about her"?

"She cheated on me a week after your wedding".

"I'm so sorry. You'll find the right girl one day".

"Yeah, when I'm old and about to die". He said with a smile.

"God how I missed his smile.....NO EVA, you're married to Marc" I thought.

"No, you'll find one sooner than that. You know that".

"You're always so nice to people".

"My mom always told me everyone deserves to be loved".

I started tearing up.

"Why are you crying"?

"My parents, they died when I was 15, and I just miss them" I said, trying my best not to cry.

"I'm sorry".

I felt his arms wrap around me. I would tell him to stop, but I didn't have the ability to talk.

I cried on his shoulder for a few minutes while he held me.

After a few moments, I stopped crying and decided to go get some breakfast.

I went upstairs to change. I wore a white shirt with a leather jacket, black pants, and converse. I did my makeup minimal and put my hair in a ponytail.

I grabbed the money from the nightstand and went back downstairs.

"I'm going to get breakfast, so do you want to come with me"?

"Sure, but could we go to my house afterwards"?

"Sure that'll be fine".

He got up and walked to his car. He opened my door and I got in. He got in his car and drove off.

At Neymar's House

We were in the living room, eating and watching tv. After we ate, we just sat there.

"Let's play Need for Speed" i said, breaking the silence.


Because, I want a rematch from the last time we played".

"You don't know what you're in for".

"Yeah I do. I'm in the mood of winning".

He got up and turned on his PS4.

He handed me a controller and sat back on the couch.

We picked our cars and started playing.

I was in second place and he was in third place. He passed me after a while.

"Looks like I'm going to win. AGAIN".

"No you're not".

I was in first place and he was in second place. We were beside each other and we could both see the finish line.

I won.

I jumped up and down, with excitement.

I started dancing, not caring if he was right there.

We played some more then we decided to walk to the backyard.

I sat on a lawnchair and he sat next to me.

"I like your shirt" he said.

"There's nothing on the shirt, Neymar".

"I know. I like the color of it".

I laugh, remembering his favorite color is white.

He laughed too. "Why is he doing this to me....I love that smile.......EVA STOP, YOU'RE MARRIED NOW" I kept thinking.

"Wanna get in the pool"?

"Neymar, it's freezing cold".


"I'm not going in there".

"What if I throw you in there"?

"I will kill you".

He laughed again "Danmit stop doing this to me, Neymar".

When I wasn't looking, I felt him arms wrap around me and pick me up.


He walked over to the pool and stood near it.


He threw me in the freezing water and he jumped in with his clothes on.

When we both resurfaced, I splashed water in his face.

"I'm gonna kill you, Neymar".

He just laughed and slapshed water in my face. We splashed water in each other's faces and swam for a little bit.

It wasn't that cold after a while. I suddenly felt a raindrop and more as it went on. It started pouring rain so we got out and tried out best to dry ourselves before going inside.

We went inside and up to his room.

"Here, you can take a shower and here are some clothes you can wear" he said, handing me some of his clothes.

"Okay, thanks".

I went into the bathroom and took a shower.

I dried myself after and put on the clothes he gave me.

He gave me a pair black shorts, and a white shirt with a girl on the front of it with a lollipop in her mouth.

I walked back into his room.

"Really Neymar".

He just laughed his ass off.

I shook my head and headed back into the living room.

When he came back, we ate lunch and watched more tv.

I stayed there for the rest of the day. Around 11:45pm, I was extremly tired and didn't feel like getting up.

Me and Neymar were sitting on the couch, when I laid my head on his shoulder. I fell asleep shortly after.


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