Chapter 11

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(Eva's POV)

I haven't spoken to Neymar in over a week.

When I got home from our date, I told Nikki, and she thinks that I should give him another chance. I was thinking about that, but what if he lied to me just to have s*x with me.

 I decided to call Marc.

Me; hey Marc

Marc; hey, umh, what are you doing?

Me; Nothing, do you wanna come over?

Marc; Sure, I'll be there in a minute

Me; okay, bye

Marc; bye

He came over and we sat on the couch.

"What's wrong" he asked.

"Nothing" i said

"Eva, i know when something's wrong, you can tell me".

"I went out with Neymar and his 'ex' texted him saying if they were still on for something. But he told me he loved me after we..."

I stopped in the middle of my sentence. I didn't wan to tell him I had s*x with Neymar. Would he get jealous? I mean, yeah, me and Marc had s*x but still.

"You had s*x with him" he said, finishing my sentence.

I just nodded my head.

"Look, I'm really sorry about me and taking advantage of you, Eva. I know i should've just told you but, with me being stupid, I didn't think about how you would feel about this".

"It's okay, Marc".

We hugged and watched my favorite movie of all time. Cinderella. I know, i'm a kid, but I don't care.

Marc fell asleep in the middle of the movie.

When the movie was over, I woke him up and asked him "Are you hungry"?


"Okay, I'll fix something"

I went into the kitchen and decided to fix lasanga.

We eat and watch another movie.

After that movie, Marc decided to leave.

"I'll see you later Eva".

"Okay. Are you training tomorrow"?

"Yeah why"?

"I might come down to Camp Nou tomorrow".

"Oh, okay"

"Bye Marc".

"Bye Eva".

He walked to his car and drove off.

I closed the door ans went to take a shower.

I fell asleep in my chemse.

The next day

I woke up around 8:30am.

I got out of my warm bed and walked into the kitchen.

I made myself choclate chip pancakes with bacon.

I seen nikki coming down the stairs.

"Hey, you didn't make me any"?

"You could fix your own".

"Fine" she said sarcastically

She made herself some and ate her breakfast.

"Hey, I'm going to Camp Nou today. You wanna come with"?

"YES" she yelled.

"Okay, well hurry up and finish that way we can go".

I went upstairs to change.

I wore black jeans, a red plaid shirt, and black converse. I wore my hair down, with a gray beanie. I did my make up light, grabbed my phone, and walked out the door.

I walked downstairs and waited for Nikki.

"Nikki, get your ass down here and let's go".

"I'm coming" she yelled back.

When she finally came down, she wore a crimson shirt, leggings, and boots.

"Are you ready" i asked.

"Yes, now let's go".

We walked out and got in Nikki's car and drove to the stadium.

We arrive at the stadium and walk in.

We go through the tunnel and walk on the field.

"Hey girls" says Marc.

"Hi" we both say at the same time. We both look at each other and laugh.

"So you decided to come after all" said Marc.



We walked over to the seats and started talking.

All of a sudden NIkki gets hit with a ball.

"OWWW" she screamed, grabbing the side of her face.

"Come on. let's go to the bathroom".

We got up and walked to the bathroom. Her lip was bleeding and she had a small bruise on her cheek. I gave her a wet paper towel to put on her cheek.

We walked back to where we sat when Dani came up to us.

"Hey, sorry abou the footbal to your face. I swear I didn't mean it".

"It's okay".

"Here, coach told me to give this to you" he said, giving her an ice pack.

"Thanks" she stared at him and he stared at her. After a while, they stop stsring and Dani went back to practice.

Neymar suddenly stared at me. He winked at me and focused on practice again

After practice we walked down the tunnel.

"Hey, you go to the car, I'm going to the bathroom".


I was walking to the bathroom when I felt someone grab my arm.

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