Chapter 25

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A few weeks later

I called Marc to tell him about my car accident.

He said he would get there as fast as he could.

"I don't like him coming here".

"Neymar, he has to come here. He might be the father of this baby".

"You haven't had s*x with him in over 2 months".

"Babies take a long time to develop".


I was getting very annoyed with the way Neymar was acting. He's suppose to be taking care of my but instead he's being an ass.

We didn't talk to each other nor look at each other.

When Marc came, Neymar just left the room.

"Where the hell are you going"?


I just shook my head.

"Marc, I need to ask you an important question".

"What is it"?

"Can you do a paternity test for me"?

He looked confused as f*ck.

"I'm pregnant and I don't know if it's yours or Neymar's baby".

"Sure. Who do you want it to be"?

I didn't answer.

I wanted it to be Ney's but something in me also wanted it to be Marc's.

Neymar walked back in the room and sat down on the oppisite side of my bed.

"Can you two make up, please"?



Marc walked over to Neymar.

"I'm sorry about your cracked rib and broken nose. I was jealous that you had her and I didn't. So are we cool"?

"Yeah, we're cool. As long as I can have her".

I smiled and they hugged.

The nurse walked in a minute later.

"Miss Cruz, you requested a paternity test"?



She came in with a few needles on a tray.

"Okay, i'm just gonna stick this needle in your arm really fast".

I just shook my head. I'm terrified of needles so I closed my eyes.

She drew blood from me, Marc and Neymar.

"And Miss Cruz, you can go home today. We'll call you when we have the results".

"Okay, thank you".

Marc left shortly after because he said he had to be somewhere.

I couldn't bend over because of the surgery so Neymar put my shoes on.

"Baby, I'm so sorry for being an d*ck to you today. I don't know why I got mad because Marc was coming. I guess I was still mad from when he hit you. I'll make it up to you I promise".

"Neymar, you don't have to make it up to me".

"Yes I do, and i am. I love you Eva".

"I love you too".

He got up from the floor and kissed me. We kissed for a little bit, when he starts feeling the top of my shirt, making my mouth open. His tounge entered my mouth. I started sucking on it, making him groan.

"Eva, you naughty girl".

I smirk and push him playfully.

We leave the hospital and go to our house.

We walk in and sit on the couch.

"Do you want to order something to eat"?

"Yeah, I really want some pizza with a lot of pepperoni's on it".

He just laughed at me and called the pizza place.

3 days later

I was walking down the stairs when the phone rang.


"Is this Miss Eva Cruz"?

"Yes it is".

"We have the results from your paternity test".

"What are the results"?

"The father of your baby is Neymar".

I was so relieved.

"Thank you so much".

"You're welcome".

I hung up the phone and ran upstairs.


"What? What's wrong".

I climbed on the bed and laid next to him.

"I got a call from the hospital and they told me that you are the baby's father".



He kissed my stomach and then started talking to the baby.

"Hi baby. This is your dad speaking. I hope you're okay in there. Your mommy loves you but not as much as me. When you're older, I'll teach you how to play football, girl or boy. And make sure you kick mommy while you're in here. I love you and your mom loves you too".

I couldn't help cry a little.

"I love you".

"I love you too".

5 months later

My stomach was bigger than before.

We decided on names. If it was a girl, Bella Marie, and for a boy, Neythan. I liked Neythan the most.

Me and Neymar were walking on the beach.

We stopped for a minute, then out of nowhere, Neymar ask me "Will you marry me"?

I was completely taken by suprise.


"I wish I could pick you up right now".

I laughed and kissed him for a long time then he kissed my stomach. I felt the baby kick and so did Neymar.


We ended up having a boy. I was in love with being a mother and a wife.

Neymar made Neythan's room with footballs and stars and his name spelled out above his crib. It was so cute.

Neythan made my life complete. Nikki and Dani were engaged. They both came over to help out with the baby but me and Nikki had some girl talk though we were surrounded by boys.

Me and Marc became friends again. My life was finally on the right track. I've tried so hard to get my life on the right track, now, with Neymar and Neythan, I succeded in that.

I know I'm happy, and I know my parents were happy too, as they are looking down on me.


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