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An Eleanor Waldorf party. It's so boring, but I have to be here. My family is scattered around the room. My mom is probably off flirting with someone because she's going on her fourth divorce and my brother is probably outside smoking and my sister is probably off bragging.

Chuck was sitting on the couch with Isabel and Kati standing around him. "Lena, any interest in some fresh air?" Chuck asked and I looked over at him.

"I'm guessing Nate bailed?" I asked and Chuck rolled his eyes.

My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my clutch looking at me. I smirked at my phone and I know exactly who is going to enjoy this information as much as I do. I walked over sitting down at the couch next to Chuck unable to stop the smile on my face. "What's that smile?" Chuck asked and I looked over at him.

"Guess who is back in town?" I asked, taking his glass out of his hand and drinking out of it.

"Who?" Chuck asked.


Chuck slightly chuckled. "Good, things were getting a little dull around here." Chuck said and I chuckled taking another drink.

I walked through the party just in time to run right into Serena. She smiled when she saw me. "Lena, it's so good to see you." Serena said walking over to me. She hugged me and I smiled at her.

"I'm just glad you're back." I said and she looked over my shoulder getting a little pale in the face.

I turned around to see Nate looking as pale then Blair stopped out blocking their view of each other. Blair walked over hugging Serena. "Hi, Serena, so good to see you." Blair said and Serena smiled.

"Good to see you."

"Come, we're about to have dinner." Blair said and Eleanor walked over to us.

"I'll set a place for you at the table next to Blair and Lena." Eleanor said.

"Yeah, actually... there's somewhere I have to go." Serena said.

I don't like all that. "You're leaving?" I asked. She's ruining my fun time. It's no fun if Serena leaves.

"Yeah, I just... I don't feel well. I just wanted to come by and say hi. I'll see you both at school tomorrow." Serena said before walking away from us.

When she walked out, Kati and Is walked over to us. They are Blair's shadows. "School... so I guess she's back for good." Blair said, crossing her arms. Never let the minions see your cards.

"Didn't you know she was coming?" Kati asked.

Blair pulled herself together looking over to them. "Course I did. I just... wanted it to be a surprise." Blair said.


I sat on the Met stairs with Blair, Isabel, and Kati looking at all the invitations. I was sitting next to Blair and Isabel and Kati were sitting a couple of stairs down. Hierarchy. Jenny Humphrey was standing in front of us while we looked at them. "So cute! They should be framed or something." Kati said.

"Not bad work." Blair said looking at me. "What do you think?"

"Impressive." I handed an invitation to Jenny. "And here is yours... as promised."

"Thanks." Jenny said and I noticed Serena walking over eating yoghurt.

"Hey, here you guys are. I looked all over the dining hall for you." Serena said looking over at Jenny. "Oh, hi, I'm Serena."

"I know, uhm, I mean, hi, I'm Jenny." Jenny said and Serena bent down grabbing an invite.

"So, when's the party?" Serena asked.

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