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I finally broke down putting Gossip Girl alert on my phone and all I am getting is updates on the feud between Blair and Jenny. I don't have time for this. I was sitting on the steps with Blair and Serena eating lunch. Blair was so annoyed about being snubbed from Jenny's party. I don't understand why she cares so much. "It's a snub from one party, B. Plus what's the big deal anyway? You don't even like Asher." I said.

"I didn't like last season's Louis Vuitton patchwork bag either, but that doesn't mean I want to see it all over town on Jenny Humphrey's arm."

"Can't argue with that." I shrugged.

"What do you say we have a girls' night out tonight?" Blair asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can't. I have dinner with the family." Serena said.


"Yeah, I can. I got nothing going on." I said and Blair smiled. I looked over at Serena. "You've been weirdly busy." I said to Serena.

"Yeah, I know and I'm really sorry I've been distant, but things will be better soon, I promise." Serena said.

"Obviously starting tomorrow..." Blair said and I followed her gaze to see Dan walking over.

He looked all mopey and he kissed Serena before sitting down. "Hey. What's wrong? You look stressed, even for you." Serena said.

Dan sighed. "I'm still worried about Jenny."

Blair scoffed. "You mean because she's self-obsessed, self-serving, self-centered, self-"

"No." Dan said, shaking his head. "No, I wish it was about her and her...self...But it's more about who she's with. I can't get through to her. I tried, and she just completely blew me off. And she dissed my pants."

"Maybe I underestimated her." Blair said and I chuckled.

"She's just going through a phase. We all went through it." Serena said.

"And apparently, some of us still are in it." I said looking at Blair and she playfully rolled her eyes.

"All that matters to someone like Jenny right now are the four Gs: Guys, Girlfriends and Gossip Girl." Blair said and we nodded.

"It's true. Don't feel bad. Unless it's coming from one of them, she's not gonna hear it." Serena agreed.

I was walking down the hall when my phone beeped. I rolled my eyes noticing it was a post from Gossip Girl. 'This just in: Asher Hornsby spotted locking lips before class... But not with his girlfriend. Looks like gentlemen don't prefer blondes, Little J. They prefer other gentlemen.' Damn. I looked up to see Dan in the courtyard and I walked over to him. "Dan Humphrey. Just who I was looking for." I said getting his attention. "You're dirty!"

Dan looked at me confused. "Wha...Uh, what are you talking about?"

I chuckled. "Cheating, drinking, drugs, It's all fair game. But outing your sister's boyfriend is dark. How did squeaky-clean Humphrey even come up with that?" I crossed my arms.

"I didn't come up with anything."

"Oh my God, you know something. Spill it."

"Yeah, I might have seen Asher kissing another guy."

Wow, I didn't see that coming. I shouldn't feed the fire with Blair and Jenny, but I have to know more. "So it's true? Who was he kissing?"

"I don't know. I don't... I don't know. I couldn't see. But what does that even matter?"

"Right now Gossip Girl's credibility is the same as Tinsley Mortimer's after a few martinis. But if someone can prove that his duplicity is more than just a rumor, then they'll break up. That's what you want, isn't it?"

Dan slightly nodded. "Well yeah, I guess. Yeah..."

"Asher's just using your sister as a cover. It's your brotherly duty to save her from becoming the next Katie Holmes."

"And you're in this to help Jenny?"

I can't say no because then he wouldn't help me. But why lie? I slightly shrugged. "Motive is irrelevant as long as our endgame is the same."

Dan shook his head. "No, Lena, this is not a game to me, okay? I don't want her to get hurt."

I scoffed. "You outed her boyfriend to all of Manhattan and you think you're better than the rest of us." I said, turning around and walking away. I've posted like twice since Gossip Girl got popular but once you threaten a girl in the bathroom to beat her face after she posted something on it. You take a step back.


I walked into Blair's bedroom with our bags and Nelly and Is followed behind us. "Whoever said that money doesn't buy happiness didn't know where to shop. Lucky for me, I may have to go out tonight after all." Blair said and I went over sitting down on her bed.

"Did you get it?" I asked and Nelly handed me the phone.

"Lucky for you, Iz knows five ways to sneak into the Unity boys' locker room, and six to sneak out." Nelly said and Blair sat down next to me opening her laptop and sliding it over to me.

"Asher takes an abnormally long shower after practice." Is said.

"Maybe his lacrosse stick isn't the only thing he likes to play with," I said, making a grossed out face as I forwarded Aster's messages to Blair's email.

"Why'd you want his phone so badly anyway?" Is asked.

"It was once said that a person's eyes are the windows to their soul. That was before people had cell phones." I said, noticing all the emails popping up on the computer.

We were going through the emails and I could feel Blair staring at me. Nelly and Is were long gone. I'm not a hundred percent sure when they left. "Stop staring at me." I said smiling at her before looking back at all the emails.

"I miss this side of you." Blair said and I chuckled.

"Well, this side of me is dangerous and the only one that keeps up with it, is you." My smile faded when I saw what was on it. "Damn." I said and Blair looked at it.

Blair pulled out her phone making a call. "It's important...But it can't wait!" Blair said and sighed. "She hung up."

"You can't use it, but confront him. It's always fun. Plus, something tells me that the real Asher is a dick."

"You coming?" Blair asked and I shook my head.

"No, I'm exhausted." I said laying back in the bed and Blair stood up. "Enough secret exposing for me. I'll stay in this bed while you go." I smiled at Blair and she smiled at me.

"Luckily, I have an outfit for this." Blair said walking over to her closet.


It was late and I went into the kitchen to get some water. I heard the doorbell go off and I walked out just as Blair was coming down the stairs to see Serena. She was crying. "Serena, what are you doing here? It's late." Blair said.

"What happened?" I asked and Serena shook her head sobbing.

"I can't." Serena said and I walked over to her.

"Yes, you can." I said and Serena shook her head walking over to sit on the staircase.

"No. No, this is the one thing I can't tell you. I can't tell anyone." Serena said and we sat down on the stairs with her.

"We're not anyone." Blair said. "You can tell us. You always have."

"No, I can't. Because then that'd make you a part of it, and you can't be a part of this."

"What are you talking about? You're starting to scare me." I said and Serena started to cry harder. "Hey, hey, hey. We're sisters. We have always had each other's back and we always will. There's nothing that you could ever say to make us let go."

Serena stared at me. "We love you." Blair said and Serena looked at her trying to calm herself down. "What is it?"

Serena paused for a moment. "I killed someone." Serena said and it took everything I had not to just let my jaw hit the floor.

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