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I took us all night to find Serena. Luckily there were two of us to get her into a cab. I called Nate and Chuck to meet us at Blair's. I had Serena's stuff and she was sitting on the floor of the elevator. I stepped out to see Chuck and Nate sitting in the living room. "Well, is something actually wrong?" Nate asked.

"I meant what I said on the phone. I need your help. We need your help." I said leading them back to the elevator to Serena.

"Oh my God." Nate said and they each put an arm over their shoulders walking her out. "What's wrong with her?"

"Take her upstairs, get her upstairs." Blair directed and we followed them. "Dorota! Coffee. Fast."

We went to Blair's bedroom and Chuck left to get some things from the store. I went over trying to get Serena up off of the bed. "Come on, Serena. We have to get her in the shower." I said and she was fighting me.

"No, I just want to sleep."

"No. Come on, come on." Nate helped me while Blair was starting the water in the bathroom.

"Why won't you let me sleep?" Serena asked.

"We have to keep her talking and awake. Come on, come on. Let's go. Let's go." I said leading her to the bathroom and Dorota walked in setting some things down on the bed.

"Dorota, will you please get her a fresh change of clothes and a bathrobe?" Blair asked.

"Of course, Miss Blair." Dorota said walking out and Chuck walked back into the room.

"So we have every hangover cure known to man, plus bagels. They should help soak up the alcohol and whatever else she took..." Chuck said.

Nate shut the bathroom door as we got Serena out of her dress and she started barfing into the toilet. I almost stuck my finger down her throat. I walked out of the bathroom to grab some more towels. "I may not need those bagels after all." I said picking them up.

"What's going on with her?" Nate asked and I sighed.

"She was here last night, scared. She... She told us something totally crazy, but was too freaked out to find the words to explain it. Lily called and I stepped out to cover for her and Blair went upstairs to find Eleanor's valium to calm her down, but when we got back, she was gone. It took us all night to find her."

I walked over to the bathroom about to go back in. "What exactly did she say to you?" Chuck asked.

I turned around looking back at them. "That's ... beside the point. We're here to help Serena, no matter what the problem is." I said walking into the bathroom to help Blair with Serena.

I followed Serena to the stairs and Dan was trying to see her. Serena went down the stairs walking over to him. "What's happening?" Dan asked. I understand why he's frustrated.


"Something is going on, and I just want to be let in on what it is."

"It's hard to explain..."

"Well... Why don't I make it easy for you? I know you're keeping something from me, and I'm sick of being the only one you don't talk to about it."

"I'm not talking to anyone."

"Then what are they doing here, while... While I get a call from a bartender who says you left a bar at two in morning with a bunch of guys? What guys, Serena? Who... Who were they?"

"I don't know." Serena said quietly.

"Did something happen last night?"

"Please don't..."

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