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I walked out of my bedroom to see Sebastian and Alanna in the kitchen while Sebastian read the paper. Alanna looked over to see me walking into the room. "Have you seen this?" Alanna asked and I looked at her confused.

"I don't even know what you are talking about." I stated and Alana took the paper away from Sebastian and showed it to me.

"The Captain is being charged with embezzlement and fraud." Alana said and I took the paper looking at the photo.

"That's awful." I said.

"Especially for Eleanor." I heard our mom's voice as she walked into the kitchen.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Eleanor was signing a contract to have the Captain help her with her deal with Bendal's." Our mom said and I lightly shook my head. "She'll get out of that deal as fast as she can if she knows what's good for her."

"I'm glad you're being sympathetic, mom." Sebastian said and our mom walked over to the fridge.

"I love the Archibalds, but all the Captain had to do was sit behind a desk. Anne and her family gave him everything he needed."

I scoffed. "Yeah, that's not emasculating," I said setting the paper down on the counter. "I'm going to Blair's." I said walking away.

"Hey!" I stopped in front of the elevator looking back at Sebastian as he walked over to me. "How is Blair doing?"

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked.

Sebastian looked like he was stumbling to find the right words. "Never mind." Sebastian said before just turning around and walking away. I don't have time for whatever that was. I shook it off going onto he elevator.

I made it to Blair room and I was going through her closet to see if she has a dress that I want to borrow. Serena was complaining that Dan told his 'best friend' Vanessa about them having sex. "I can't believe he told her you guys were gonna do it." I said shaking my head.

"Well, I told you guys." Serena said.

"That's different. We're girls." Blair said and I nodded.

"Excellent point." I said.

"She's a girl too." Serena said and I walked back into the room.

"That's the point, sweetie." I stated and she sighed. "If she knows all the intimate parts of your relationship, she's going to be having the girlfriend role and you won't even see it coming." I crossed my arms.

"Plus, when you get a boyfriend, you become the best friend, and the best friend becomes the second best friend. That's just how it has to be if it's ever gonna work." Blair said and I nodded.

"I'm changing the subject now." Serena said. "How is Nate doing? It's all over the news."

I went over sitting down at the end of the bed. "Uh, when I talked to him this morning, I-I told him to focus on his family today."

"But he's still coming to your party, right?" I asked.

"Uh, I told him not to worry about it. I mean, only if he's up to it." Blair said, shrugging her shoulders.

Giving up her birthday to make her boyfriend's life easier. "You're such a good girlfriend," I said. "I'll pick you guys up and we can all go together." I said and they both agreed.


I sat across from Carter at the table for us to have lunch together. It was his idea. I'm surprised he called me for something other than sex. It's a good surprise, but it's definitely a surprise. "I shouldn't be here." I looked down at the table.

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