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I woke up and before I could even process anything I felt an arm around me and seeing Chuck sleeping right in front of me. I smacked him in the chest waking him up. "Ow!" Chuck yelled and I pushed myself up off the bed.

"Who? What? When? Where? Why?" I asked trying to remember last night and I did. He came over after trying to find Georgina and we were coming up with plans to handle her.

"We were up late plotting against Georgina. We must have dozed off."

"And you were on the floor!" I pointed out.

"Didn't want to hurt my back." 

I rolled my eyes and Chuck sat up in my bed. "Why? It's not like you ever do anything athletic."

Chuck smirked at me. "Well, that's not entirely true, now is it?"

"Fine. Nothing that requires you removing your scarf."

"That was one time, it was chilly." Chuck looked at his watch before getting up off the bed.

"Well, before you landed in my bed, we actually landed on a good idea." I stated and Chuck quickly put on his jacket.

"Well, I trust you can take it from here. I have a best man speech to write, and no time to write it."

I smiled. "Don't worry. I can be bitch enough for both of us."

"I still got the scars on my back to prove it."

"Time to go." I said pushing him back towards my bedroom door. "You know, they say if you love something, you should set it free..."

I got him out the door. "You wish, Bass." I said before slamming the door shut and letting out a deep breath.


After a call from Dan, I invited him over and we discussed what would be next. He likes to act better than us, but I can smell a fraud from a mile away. Dan sat at the dining table on the phone calling Georgina while I sat next to him. "Voice mail." Dan said to me.

"Okay, like we talked about." I said.

"Hey, hey, it's me. Dan. Um, after you left, Serena and I got in a huge fight, and... And she said all this crazy stuff. I honestly don't know what to believe, but... But what I do know is I want to see you. So, uh, call me." He hung up the phone and I smiled.

"Excellent work. She's totally calling back." I said.

"This is so weird. I don't normally do plots against people."

I sighed. "Don't worry, virgin. I'll talk you through it." I said and the phone started ringing again. "Right on schedule."

"Hey." Dan answered and I saw against the phone I could hear Georgina's voice on the other end.

"Hey. I just got your message."

"Oh, good, good. So... Sorry about this morning with Serena."

"That was very awkward, to say the least."

"Yeah, a little bit. Last night really changed things for me." Dan said and something is up. I know it. "Serena and I left things kind of uncertain, so I... I think I wanna end it. I know I do. Will you meet me?"

Georgina paused, but she'll take the bait. "Our spot in the Park by the pond?"

"See you there." Dan said before hanging up and I smiled at him.

"Humphrey, you are a born liar."

"Thanks, I think."

"All that stuff about last night was genius. Anything you wanna tell me?" I asked.

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