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I stood outside of Chuck's apartment. I knocked but he isn't answering. I know that he's in there and I can hear him on the other side of the door. "Chuck, I can hear you breathing." I said pounding on the door again. "Open the door." It took him another minute, but he opened the door. "What the hell was that?" I asked and Chuck turned around starting to walk away.

"You're not the only person that requires my attention." Chuck said and I followed him inside shutting the door behind me. I saw Nate sitting on the couch.

"What? Are you guys secret lovers now?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Funny." Nate said rolling his eyes and Chuck went over sitting down on the chair in the room.

"I need your help." I said and Chuck sighed.

"I'm busy." Chuck said and I looked at him confused.

"My aunt Jo is back in town." I stated.

"I thought your aunt Jo hates Manhattan." Nate said and I nodded looking over at him.

"She does." I stated. "Which means she's back for a reason and whatever it is has to be big because my Grams and my dad didn't leave after Thanksgiving."

"That's weird." Chuck said slightly nodded and I looked back over at him.

"I know. That's why I need you to find out what they are hiding."

Chuck looked up at me. "Are you sure you even want to know?" Chuck asked. "Who cares that your family is in town? They probably have nothing going on."

I sighed. "Oh come on Chuck. I need you to pull out your inner bitch." I said and Chuck looked away from me think about it.

"Yeah, come on Chuck. Pull out your inner bitch." Nate said and Chuck looked at Nate before looking back at me. I don't know what his problem is.

"I hate you both." Chuck said and I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you. You're the best."

"I know."

"I gotta go. I'm meeting Carter." I said turning to walk towards the door.

"You still think that's a good idea." Nate said and I rolled my eyes not bothering to look back at him.

"Bye Nate." I said walking out of the door. I had a lunch to get to and I cannot be late. Well, Carter begged me not to be late. I mean, I've got him to beg before, but this was something that was kind of funny.

I stepped out of the cab in front of the restaurant. Carter was standing outside pacing and nervously rubbing his hands together mumbling to himself. He looked at me and smiled. "Hi beautiful." Carter said walking over to me and I smiled at him.

"Hi." I kissed him. "Thanks for doing this, but you don't have to be nervous."

Carter sighed. "Lunch with the girlfriend's parents. How could I say no?" Slight sarcasm was in his tone.

"You can't but I'm glad you didn't try." I said walking with him into the restaurant.

My Grams was there, which was a surprise, and she was just boasting about how great he is. She probably noticed the scowl on my dad's face.

My mom kept badgering him about his trips around the world and how much around she wished she could try it.

My dad kept hinting at him about his inability to commit to one place and how bad things happen to those who don't see good things in front of them.

Then my aunt Jo showed up and she pointed out that the only thing he needed to worry about is getting me pregnant out of wedlock.

It could have gone better. I walked out of the restaurant with Carter holding his hand. "I don't think your dad likes me." Carter said and he had a car waiting for him.

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