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I laid on Blair's bed with her and Serena. They were in their pajamas and I just showed up. I can't spend too many nights at Blair. Her bitchiness might rub off on me. "Kati told me about custom corsets, crowns, wigs ... What is this madness?" Serena asked.

"This is a masked ball. The goal is that nobody recognizes you. But I did make a little something extra for Nate tonight! It's a game, a sort of treasure hunt. It will begin with a clue, which will take him to a lady of honor, which will lead to a second clue..."

"Wait, wait! You got the ladies?" Serena asked and I laughed.

"If he finds me before midnight, before the masks come off, the treasure is for him."

"And what is it?" Serena asked and Blair smirked at her. "Oh! I'm stupid. Sorry."

"You know, with me and him and all that happened, or rather all that hasn't happened, I wanted to make it special." Blair said.

"It sounds very romantic B. Really." Serena said and I nodded. "And if you do not want me to come tonight I would understand."

"No! You have to be there. In fact, I want you to give Nate the last clue. Will you be my lady of honor?"

"What! You really want me to be here?"

"This night is supposed to be about starting over. I trust you."

"Well, I'd be more than honored to serve you, my queen!" Serena bowed and we all laughed.

"Does that mean I'm completely out of it?" I asked and Serena looked over at me.

"Wait, what?" Serena asked. "You never miss a party."

"You didn't know? Lena probably isn't even going to the ball." Blair said and I sighed.

"Wait, why not?" Serena asked.

"She's got a hot date." Blair answered and Serena gasped, making me roll my eyes.

"I don't have a date." I shook my head.

"So you are blowing off a party and it's not even a date?" Serena asked.

I sighed. "I just...I have some things to handle." I stated and they both just stared at me for a moment waiting for me to elaborate.

"Oh my God." Blair paused making us both looked at her. "This has to do with Carter, doesn't it?"

I scoffed. "Of course not."

"Lena, you know there's a photo of you two standing really close on gossip girl, right?" Blair asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I can't stand gossip girl." I stated shaking my head.

Serena chuckled. "You are the only teenager I know that does read gossip girl." Serena said.

"Reading posts written by the upper east side stalker? No thank you." I said and they chuckled.

"What do you expect from him?" Blair asked and I sighed. "He always does the same thing. He pulls you in and then...disappears."

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe I liked it that way?" I asked.

"Yeah, and I'm sure you never get attached." Serena pointed out.

"Luckily for me, I have enough daddy issues to last me a lifetime." I stated. "Anyway, Serena, have you invited Dan to the party yet?"

Serena sighed. "Nice topic change." I smiled. "No. I just know he will find it completely ridiculous."

"That boy adores you. He would do anything to go out with you. He would wear anything. He would wear a tux and a mask and one of my mother's dresses if he had to." Blair pointed out and I laughed.

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