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Ivy week. I love it. Best way to make sure you go to a prestigious college. I am thinking Harvard, but plans can change. My dad tells me that I need to make a decision and have a commitment. My mom always tells me to keep my options open. Not just with colleges. I think I know why their marriage didn't work out.

After school, I was laying on Serena's bed staring at the ceiling. Her bedroom is a complete mess. "Your bedroom is a mess." I stated looking at all the boxes in the room.

"This is not my bedroom." Serena said looking for something. "This is a hotel because my mom had commitment issues."

"Who are you telling? Everyone in my house is counting down to see when my mom is going to have another one of her famous dinners."

Serena chuckled. "I'm guessing Blair doesn't know you are here." Serena said and I shrugged.

"I don't care. I mean what you did was horrible." I said and she sighed nodding her head. "But Nate was just as guilty and his biggest punishment is Blair with a bad attitude."

"That is one serious punishment." Serena said and I chuckled.

"How's Eric?" I asked and Serena didn't look back at me. "And before you lie. I should tell you that I'm the one who found him."

Serena looked back at me. "You did? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I can keep a secret." I said and Serena smiled.

"Thanks, Lena." Serena said and I smiled at her. "He's doing really good. I visit him as much as I can. It's just hard not having him here." She said and I nodded letting out a deep breath.


I was talking with some college reps. I gotta say...they are some seriously boring people. I mean, I'm trying, but...ugh! I don't have time for this.

"Can I please have everyone's attention?" I heard Blair voice and looked over to see her standing on stage. "Welcome again to the Constance Billard/ St. Jude's Ivy mixer. I'm Blair Waldorf, chair of the community outreach committee." Everyone clapped. I did it because everyone else did. I don't know why I need to pat her on the back for that. "Every year our schools choose to support one local institution that we feel benefits our community. This year our schools have chosen to honour the Ostroff Centre." Oh, no. I don't like this. I walked over heading over to Serena who was standing with Eric and their mom.

"I swear, I didn't say anything." I whispered to her and Serena let out a deep breath.

"This year's choice is a very personal one because the centre has helped one of our own." Blair said and I just want to go up there and end it, but that will cause more problems.

"What's going on?" Lily asked looking at the three of us and we just shrugged.

"It's because of their excellent programme which aids so many young addicts and alcoholics, that a student here with us today is clean and sober... at least for now. Can I please have Serena Van Der Woodsen join me on stage?" Blair asked and an awkwardness and shock fell over everyone.

Lily looked over at Serena. "Tell me this isn't happening." Lily said.

"It's not." Eric said about to walk away.

Serena and Lily stopped him from going on stage. "No, you're not going up there. You're going to stand right here, okay?" Serena said.

"Whatever you're doing, think about who's standing in this room right now." Lily said.

Serena shook her head before walking away and heading on stage. Blair says something before stepping back and the crowd sort of clapped for Serena. "Hi, I'm Serena Van Der Woodsen. I just wanna thank my friend Blair Waldorf for recognising the Ostroff Centre and all of the good things that they do." Serena looked back at Blair and she looked so proud of herself. "Thanks Blair. In the Ostroff Centre, one of the main things that we learn is forgiveness in order to move forward for our future, we must forgive those who have wronged us in the past. And we ourselves must ask for forgiveness from those whom we've wronged. Without this forgiveness, innocent people get hurt-" Serena said and Blair walked over cutting her off.

"Thank you Serena! Thank you! Thank you!" Blair said clapping and Serena walked off the stage. Serena walked away and Lily followed her. "Can we now have Dr. Ostroff join me on stage?"

I waited for Blair to step off the stage. I made my way through the crowd and over to Blair. She smiled at me. "She should have stayed at boarding school." Blair said and I just shook my head. "What? You always love a good public humiliation."

"When it's deserved." I said and Blair looked at me confused. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked before walking away.

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