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"I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself. I mean, I'm a drug addict and he's my cocaine. I just get a sight of him and all my feelings boil over. I just can't help myself." I explained from my position of laying down on the couch.

"Interesting." Chuck said from his spot of sitting in the chair next to me. "You wanna explain what you do together?"

I sighed sitting up and looking back at him. "I'm letting myself be vulnerable right now and you are trying to turn it into something pervy."

"I'm Chuck Bass." Chuck said and I rolled my eyes.

"Which is why I came to you because you're the only one that would understand the problems I'm having." I explained and Chuck sighed.

"The only problem that you are having is that you don't have good taste." Chuck said, taking a drink from the glass he had in his hand.

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"Carter left our world because of money. Who leaves money?" Chuck asked and I rolled my eyes.

"He didn't leave the money. He left the rules." I stated.

"Oh yeah, i'm sure that's working out for him." Chuck said, rolling his eyes and there was a knock on the door. Chuck stood up and walked over to the door. "Welcome to Lena's therapy session." Chuck said, walking back over with Nate right behind him.

"Hey, Lena." Nate said and I slightly waved. "What's the problem?" I looked at Chuck making sure he didn't say anything. Chuck smirked looking down as he walked over to the bar into the room. "What?" Nate asked, looking at both of us. "Oh come on." Nate said and I sighed.

"I'm not allowed to share or I won't know her dirty little secrets." Chuck said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Plus, you aren't corrupted enough for me to share to you." I said standing up from the couch and grabbing my purse.

"Seriously?" Nate asked and I patted him on the arm as I walked away.

"Sorry, Nate." I said before walking towards the door.

"Remember details." Chuck said and I flipped him off before walking out of the door and shutting it behind me.


I was on my way to school when I made a detour. Chuck asked me to make a stop. I don't mind. It's not like I have something to do. Well, I have school, but school sucks. Plus, after my therapy session the other day, I owe him for not blabbing. I looked around the club Chuck wanted to buy. "You want your dad to invest in a strip joint? How Midtown." I said and I could tell he's excited about the idea.

"A burlesque club. A respectable place where people can be transported to another time, where they can feel free to let loose. No judgment. pure escape. What happens at Victrola stays at Victrola."

I nodded. "Well, it does have franchise potential." I looked over at him with a proud smile. "Chuck Bass, I do believe all your years of underage boozing and sex has finally paid off. Truly, I am proud."

"And you are my toughest critic. Well, second toughest."

"So do you think your father will go for it?"

A woman walked over handing him a paper before walking away. "It is exactly the kind of innovative thinking upon which the bass empire was built. It is the perfect thing. I've been waiting for this."

I looked at the time on my phone. "We are so late. You coming?"

"Gotta pitch it to Bart." I nodded starting to walk away. "Victory party here tomorrow."

I turned around smiling at him as I continued to walk. "I wouldn't miss it."

"I'll send a car."

"Don't be nervous. He's gonna love it." I said before walking out of the door and heading my way back to school.

I sat with Blair and Serena on a set of steps eating some food that Blair brought. She had some grapes in a bowl. "So I heard on gossip girl that you were having sex with Dan out here in streaming video." Blair said and Serena groaned.

"Oh God, Kati and Is filmed us?" Serena asked.

"Oh, it's all very 'highschool musical' scandalous and no, they haven't streamed it yet, but I heard it was aggressive." Blair said.

"I must say, Dan has been surprisingly good at everything we've done."

"Which is? Everything?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her.

"No! But feel free to ask any personal questions." Serena said and I laughed.

"But you've talked about it, right?" Blair asked.

"No, mom, we haven't."

"May I remind you that this is your first real boyfriend, S, and in relationships, you talk about stuff."

"I know, but I don't know, sometimes talking about it or planning it can ruin a good thing. You know?" Serena asked and I nodded.

"I would know." Blair said, sighing. "Well, as long as you're not worried."

"Well, I'm not, but I don't know, he might be." Serena paused for a moment sighing. "Is it possible for a guy to want to slow things down?"

"Only the guys we like." I said they chuckled. "But with you, I can't imagine why." I said and Serena playfully rolled her eyes.


I sat in Chuck's club watching the girls on stage with a drink in my hand. Chuck was sitting down next to me. "I like this place." I said and Chuck smiled at me. I probably drank a little too much because I just wanna go up there and dance. "You know, I got moves."

"Oh, I believe you. Why don't you get up there?" Chuck said and I laughed, shaking my head.

"Nice try. You know, just because I talk about my...problems-"

"Sex problems."

I rolled my eyes. "It doesn't mean I need you to try and get in my pants."

"Doesn't mean I can't try." Chuck said and I laughed. "Come on, you're ten times hotter than any of those girls."

"Oh I know." I said looking at him and I noticed that we were actually sitting rather close. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out looking at it. 'Are you are Chuck's party' -Blair

'Yeah, inside.' -Lena

"Carter?" Chuck asked and I looked over at him.

"No, it's Blair." I said and my phone vibrated again making me look at it.

'I'm almost there.' -Blair

"Guard my drink." I said to Chuck before standing up and walking out of the club just as the limo pulled up front. Blair stepped out of the limo and I could tell she was upset. "Where's Nate?" I asked.

"I think we just broke up." Blair said.

"What?" I asked and Blair let out a deep breath.

"I don't want to talk about it." Blair said and my phone went off again making me look at it.

'Meet me?' -Carter

I sighed. "I have to run, but Chuck is inside." I said and Blair nodded walking inside of the club. I know it's a bad idea. But I have moves and I need someone to show them to.

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