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I walked out of my bedroom, surprisingly not in my pajamas. I'm leaving Blair and Serena to their devices to officially make up. I don't have time to play both sides forever. I was staring deep into my phone as I made it to the kitchen. "Finally, you're awake." I stopped hearing my mom's voice. I looked up to see a fully made breakfast with anything you could want. Alanna and Sebastian were just sitting there as confused as I probably look right now. "Sit." My mom said and I walked over sitting between Alanna and Sebastian.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Have you ever seen the movie invasion of the body snatchers?" Sebastian asked.

"Okay, either dad comes back to town today and mom is trying to make sure that we continue to like her better." Alanna explained.

"Or she's dying." I said.

Our mom sighed. "I'm not dying and your dad isn't scheduled to come back until next week."

Okay, now i'm more confused. "Then why are we here?" I asked.

"Because I want us to all spend more time together." Our mom said and we all let out a loud and exhausted groan. "What?"

"You're dating another one?" Sebastian asked and our mom looked at us confused.

"What are you talking about?" Our mom asked.

"Everytime you date a guy that's all about 'family' and 'bonding' and all the other Full House type crap, you ease us all in by starting your new 'routines' before he gets here." Alanna explained.

"I am just trying to give us all some normalcy." Our mom explained.

"I'm going to eat this, but i'm eating it in protest." I said filling my plate with food. If only I didn't like food so much. It would be more of a protest, if I wasn't hungry.


I didn't do much after breakfast, but I went to Blair's later in the day to meet up with her and Serena. We were looking at the clothes Eleanor had up while she talked to her assistant. "This one missed her cue at the Chloe show because she was throwing up a pear. She was in Vera's 'vogue' spread. I don't use Vera's models. None of these are right." Eleanor complained.

"Well, that's because you're looking at the high fashion book when you should be looking for a new face-- you know, someone who looks good in your clothes. Someone in this book, like I told you." Eleanor's assistant, Laurel, said.

"I hate the american apparel effect."

"But they're closer to what you need. They're--they're now,they're hip."

"If this person is supposed to represent Waldorf designs, you have to find me someone...worthy of the clothes. Someone like me. Someone like..." I pulled a dress out looking at her. "My daughter." I noticed Serena look back at them.

"Well, why not her?"

"You want your line to represent the waldorf lifestyle. Who better to represent you than one of your own family?"

"She was my first dress form."

"She'd love to!" Serena said and I just know this isn't going to end well.

"I would?" Blair asked.

"Eleanor?" The assistant asked.

Eleanor paused thinking it over. "Yes. It's perfect."

"Eleanor Waldorf, meet the new face of Waldorf for Bendel's." The assistant said and Serena clapped jumping up and down. I don't try to be cynical. I just know with Eleanor and how guard Blair can be. It's not going to happen.


I was sitting on my couch going through a magazine. "No plans today?" I looked over to see Alanna and I just shrugged.

"I was going to go to Blair's photoshoot, but I don't really feel like it." I said and Alanna nodded walking over to sit down next to me.

"Does this have anything to do with mom's new boyfriend?" She asked and I looked at her confused, setting the magazine down on my lap.

"Why would that bother me?"

"It always bothers you."

I scoffed. "It does not."

Alanna sighed. "You get like this everytime mom is about to bring home a new boyfriend. You shut everyone out and you actually come home at a decent time."

"I'm allowed to relax." I said looking away from her and back at my magazine. I'm kind of hoping she will just go away.

"You are, but you aren't relaxed. You're sad."

I shook my head. "I'm not a child. I know mom and dad aren't getting back together." I rolled my eyes at even the thought.

"Yeah, that doesn't make you sad. What makes you sad is that you know it's not going to last. It never does."

I sighed. "Do you think we are going to end up like her?" I looked back over to her and Alanna scoffed.

"God, I hope not." Alanna said and I nodded.

"Me too." Alanna patted my back before getting up from the couch and walking away from me.

I felt my phone vibrate and I picked it up from under the blanket to see a text message. 'I can't wait to see you.' I let out a deep breath shutting my phone and setting it down on the couch next to me. It's a bad idea. I know it's a bad idea. But it's like I can't help myself. I let out a deep breath standing up from the couch. I don't need to stay here.

I made it to the shoot and it didn't take long for me to hear about the chaos. Especially when Eleanor tried to give me the model job. No thank you. I went back to the roof to see Blair and Serena talking. "We make up?" I asked and they both smiled at me.

"Yeah, we're good." Serena said and I let out a deep breath.

"Good because you guys fighting is really starting to stress me out." I said they chuckled.

Blair let out a deep breath. "I just thought it was gonna be more fun." Blair said and Serena nodded.

"I know. Me, too."

I smiled with an idea popping into my head. "Hey, you know what? Who says it still can't be?" I asked and they both looked at me confused. "I'm a genius. Come on." I said and they followed me off the roof. We took all of Eleanor's clothes, changed into the best dresses, and went around the city taking different pictures. I love when my friends are getting along.

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