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It's Sunday and every Sunday I go to Blair's. Sometimes I'm already there because I spent the night. Which is what I happened to do last night. My mom has been too happy. That means we are coming close to a 'meet the boyfriend' dinner and I'm not for it. "Blair? Is Lena here yet?" Serena asked.

"Lena's right here." I said walking out of the kitchen with an apple.

Blair walked down the stairs. "Serena." Blair said and Serena pulled out a copy of 'Breakfast At Tiffany's' out of a bag.

"I got three baguettes and Audrey." Serena said and I just walked away going to the living room. This is going to make me cringe.

"I must have totally blanked on the part where I invited you over." Blair said and she followed me into the living room. "I... I called you. Blair, it's Sunday morning: Coffee, croissants, 'Breakfast At Tiffany's'. It's our tradition."

"I have new traditions now." Blair said sitting on the couch across from me.

"I don't think they are traditions if they're new." I said and Blair glared over at me before picking up a paper off the coffee table.

Serena looked over at me and I shrugged. Serena looked over at Blair. "Look, Blair, I'm really trying to make an effort here. I thought everything was good between us."

Serena sat down on the couch with Blair. "It was... before I found out you had sex with my boyfriend." Blair said and Serena lost all the color in her face.

"How did you find out?" Serena asked.

"Nate told me. At least he felt he owed it to me to tell the truth."

"I don't know what to say."

"Don't bother saying anything. I wouldn't believe you anyway." Blair said standing up and walking away.

"Blair, it was..."

Blair stopped turning around to look at her. "You know... I always knew you're a whore... I never took you for a liar too."

"Blair, how can I fix this?"

"You don't, Serena. You just stay away from me, my boyfriend and my friends. You're done here." Blair said before walking away. Serena let out a deep breath looking over at me. I sighed and she just looked down walking away.

I was sitting with Blair eating some food that Dorota brought us. "I get being mad at Serena, but why aren't you mad at Nate?" I asked and Blair let out a deep breath. We heard the elevator beep and looked over to see Jenny walk into the room.

"Hey, Jenny." Blair said.


"What do you want?"

"Eh, I realised that I still have your calligraphy pens..." Jenny said handing her the pens. "from the party invitations and thought you might need them for something."

I scoffed. "That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard." I said and Jenny looked over at me. "You wanna know what Chuck Bass is saying about you."

"No. Is he... saying things? Is anyone?" Jenny asked looking at both of us.

I shook my head. "Not yet anyway. Chuck likes to brag about his conquests, not his victims." I said and Blair stood up from the couch.

"Come on, you can help us get ready for brunch." Blair said and I followed her up the stairs while Jenny followed us up.

"Nice flowers." Jenny said.

"They're hydrangeas." Blair said and we made it back to her bedroom.

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