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I don't mean to be a bad influence, but I don't come up with the best ideas when I'm upset. And I'm upset. How could I not be upset? I'm ruining a good thing because I'm letting my head get in my way. I even got Alanna and Sebastian to show up. I know I'm good, but I'm rarely ever that good. I leaned against the school wall playing with my necklace and a drink in my hand. Serena walked over to me smiling. "You wanna talk about it?" Serena asked.

I shook my head. "Not even a little." I stated and Serena nodded.

"Well, you know that we can." Serena said and Chuck walked over to us.

I looked over at him and Chuck smirked at me. "Why don't I turn that, uh, two piece into a no-piece." I rolled my eyes.

"Find a floaty to talk to, Chuck." Serena said.

"You know, if my dad and your mom come back from South Africa tomorrow engaged... we would be brother and sister... and you know what they say: The family that plays together stays together."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Ah, incest: The universal taboo. One of the only ones you haven't violated." I said.

"I want to gain a few more." Serena smacked the glass in his hand straight into the pool before walking away.

I chuckled. "You deserve that." I said and Chuck looked over at me.

"Why aren't you acting like the life of the party?"

I sighed taking a drink from my glass. "I don't want to talk about it."

"You always come to me with your problems."

I scoffed. "My sinful problems."

"And you are having relationship problems." Chuck said and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." I said.

"Carter not living up to your sexual problems."

I smirked at him. "If I only ran on sex, I could die happy right now."

"So it's something more than that." Chuck said and I can't help but feel like I saw happiness in his eyes.

I paused for a moment staring at him. I've known Chuck for a long time and he's hiding something or he's up to something. "Why do you care so much?" I asked.

"I'm curious."


Chuck paused for a moment. "Now I'm losing interest." Chuck said walking away and I rolled my eyes.

I was sitting on the side of the pool with Sebastian and he was wet from jumping in the pool. You would think I would have more interest in swimming since this was my idea, but nah. I don't feel like getting my hair wet. I heard a bang and I would ignore it, but there was a tension in the air making me look away. I looked over to see a guy floating in the pool and blood started to get in the water. Sebastian and I stood up and Nate dived into the water pulling the body out and laying it down on the ground. "Help! Someone call an ambulance. Call an ambulance!" Nate shouted and Serena pulled out her phone.

Nate started CPR and people started running out of the school. "Hi, we... we need an ambulance... yeah... a kid... he hit is head and he fell in the pool, it's 19 East 82nd street!" Serena said and I let out a deep breath. This wasn't supposed to go like this. I have just bad ideas!


At school we got called into an assembly because some idiot let their cell phone at the pool. Photos on it showed us at the pool having a good time. The boys were sitting on one side and the girls were at the others. "Thanks to the cell phone somebody left behind we've got plenty of evidence of who was at the party. Lucky for you, Andrew Collins is going to be fine. Unlucky for you, we need to hold somebody responsible. Miss Queller." St. Jude's Headmaster said and a woman stood up.

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