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I was running through the park when I came to the end of my run. I was catching my breath stretching my arms. "I'm glad you are a creature of habit." I heard a familiar voice making my stomach drop to the ground. I turned around to see Carter Baizen standing there with his hands in his pockets. He looked like a mess. But a good looking mess. I sighed and he walked over to me.

"What are you doing back?" I asked.

"I'm not allowed to come home?" Carter asked standing right in front of me. He smelled like bourbon and bad choices. You could tell he hasn't been in our world for a while.

"If you were only coming home, you wouldn't be standing here right now." I pointed out and Carter chuckled.

"I wanted to see you." Carter said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Don't be like that, princess."

I scoffed looking away from him. "Don't think calling me princess is going to get you anything."

"How come? You like it when I call you princess."

"I like it when you don't leave." I said before walking away. Carter knows how to get under my skin. He knows what I like and he knows what I want. It's like he can read my mind. Carter doesn't like me because I make it easy for him. Carter doesn't like it easy. He's never liked it easy. Which is why he always just vanishes. He can't stay in one place like the rest of us. He's given everything, but it's not enough for him...I'm not enough for him.


I made it to Blair's sleepover and I made it there before everyone else. She invited Jenny Humphrey. Pour girl. Blair worked to find an outfit that worked for her. "Time for truth or dare!" I yelled already finishing one drink.

"Oh I love truth or dare." Jenny said and I looked over at her. "One time I had to eat a whole bag of marshmallows."

I chuckled. "That's not how we play." I said looking over at Isabel. "Is, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Kati." I said and no shock to anyone, but Jenny, she did. I looked at Jenny's face and I think I can say my point was made.

"I think I'll stick with truth." Jenny said and I chuckled. Blair dared one of the girls to get the doorman's uniform. "What's the doorman wearing?" Jenny asked.

"Don't worry about it, little J." Blair said. "Just drink up. You're dragging behind." Blair watched her take a drink of her glass.

Jenny's phone vibrated on the table. "My phone." She said and I quickly grabbed it looking at the text.

"SOS still in prison," I said, noticing a picture from Eric. "I thought Eric was going home for the weekend?"

"Guess it didn't happen." Jenny said and I handed her back her phone.

"Is, why don't you take the girls to Visconti. Meet you there in an hour." Blair said and the girls walked away. "Let's wrap this up, shall we?" Blair stood up looking at Jenny. "Truth or dare, oh and you already used your truth."

"So dare."

"I dare you to jailbreak Eric." Blair said. Sometimes she is a real genius.

"Blair." Jenny protested.

"It's perfect." I said and Blair smiled at me. "He wants out and you want in." I said to Jenny. "So what's it going to be?"

Jenny thought for a moment before smiling. "Let's do it."


We got changed and I waited outside in the car. They all came out and then it was off to meet the rest of the girls. I was walking to the table with drinks when a older perv walked over to me. "Hey, baby, you want to, uh, maybe show me the bathroom, get lost somewhere around coat check?" He asked and I looked at him.

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