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I feel like I shouldn't feel better, but I did feel better. At least in the physical sense, I feel better. I was sitting in the courtyard with Blair and Serena going over our practice SAT test scores. "2200. Fair." Blair said, sighing.

"It's 90th percentile!" Serena said.

"Which means Nelly Yuki probably got 2300."

I looked at her confused. "You don't even talk to her, why do you care how she does?" I asked.

"Nelly Yuki has her sights set on Yale, too. What are the odds of them accepting two girls from Constance? And have you seen Nelly Yuki's extracurriculars? I need to kick her well-rounded ass." Blair said and we chuckled.

"And they say you've lost your edge." Serena said and Blair smiled.

"Nelly Yuki must be destroyed."

"Why do you keep saying her name?" I asked.

"Because it's Nelly Yuki!"

Serena and I both laughed. "Good thing I decided against Yale." I stated and Blair gave me a playful glare chuckling slightly.

Blair gathered her things. "Ew, gross. Incoming Chuck." Blair said and I grabbed my things.

"You ready?" I asked Serena standing up.

"No, I gotta wait for Dan. He's pretty stressed. He doesn't do well with tests," Serena explained.

"Performance anxiety?" Blair asked and I laughed as we walked away from the table. Chuck smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. "I saw that." Blair said as we walked down the hall.

"Saw what?" I asked playing it off as we walked over to the minions and Jenny.

"You guys, it's just a test. Look, cram session tonight. My dad's making lasagna, my brother's got tons of flash cards, and I'm totally available to help." We heard Jenny say.

"That won't be necessary, Little J." Blair said getting their attention. "You girls are all taken care of, Courtesy of Blair Waldorf SAT Prep & Spa."

"Are you serious?" Hazel asked.

"If you're gonna sweat the test, better not clog your pores. This evening at my penthouse, you'll find personal tutors, hot stone massages, mani-pedis and an amazing acupuncturist who specializes in mental acuity."

"Guess that beats my dad's lasagna." Jenny said and I nodded.

"I'll send over some photos for you, it's upperclassmen only. I'm sure you understand."

"Totally." We walked away from them.

I looked over at Blair. "3, 2, 1"

"Wait up, B." Hazel said and Blair smirked at me as we stopped letting them catch up. And just like that they run back to Queen B.

I should have gone home after school, but instead I'm strandling Chuck as I make out with him on top of his bed. It was only supposed to be one time. It's not my fault that i'm a needy human being. "We should have done this sooner." Chuck said against my lips. "I always knew you were good in bed."

I smirked down at him. "I can think of a much better use for your mouth, than smart ass comments." Chuck rolled us over on the bed kissing my lips again before moving down.


Instead of making another bad decision I thought it would be best just to go Blair. I sat on the couch drinking out of a smoothie call Serena again. "Hey S, I'm just sipping a gingko biloba blended smoothie and wondering how your stomach-migraine is. Call me so I don't worry." I said hanging up the phone.

"How you doing, Nelly Yuki?" Blair asked.

Nelly was getting a massage on the chair. "My upper trapezius seems to hold a lot of sadness."

"Aww, something tells me you'll be feeling better very soon. Any minute." Blair said.

"No. I think I should just go home and study." Nelly tried to get up, but a sharp look from Blair made the masseuse shove her back down.

Dorota walked into the room. "Mr. Jansen is here to see Miss Yuki."

Nelly sat up looking at us. "Todd's here?" She glanced back and then at us. "Do I have cushion face?" She whispered.

I slightly shrugged. "A little."

She put her glasses back on before looking back over at Todd. "Hello, Todd."

"Hi, Nelly. Blair said it was all right if I came." Todd said.

"For a Siberian Ginseng pedi?"

Todd glanced at Blair only for a second. Apparently not long enough for Nelly to notice. "No. I really feel bad about how things ended, Nell."

"So do I."

"Can we talk about it? In private?"

"Okay!" Nelly grabbed her things before looking over at Blair with a smile on her face. "Thank you, B!" She walked away to the elevator with Todd.

I lightly shook my head. "Lucky for you, mental acuity and common sense rarely come in the same package." I said and the girls giggled.


I made it to take the SATs with Sebastian. I looked around to find Dan. Serena isn't answering my call and I know that she can't miss this. I know she wouldn't miss this. She knows how important it is. "Where's Serena?" I asked.

"Uh, I don't know, but I bet Chuck does." Dan said and I sighed.

I have to get in. "Ugh. Well, I'll try to save a seat for her." I said walking away from him and going to one of the tables to sign in.

I walked out of the test with Blair meeting up with Dan. "How'd you do?" I asked.

"Uh, not my finest hour. I finished, but... I kinda had a lot on my mind." Dan said and I pulled out my phone.

"I'll keep calling." I said.

"Yeah. I think I know where to find her." Dan and Blair both stopped and I looked over to see Nate and Vanessa hugging and getting into the car.

I just got Serena's voicemail. "Hey Serena, it's Lena. Now I'm really worried. I'm gonna go home and change, and I expect a call from you." I said before hanging up the phone walking over to Blair. "Let's go." I whispered to her and we walked away. "You're allowed to be jealous." I said.

"Of nothing?" Blair scoffed. "Please."

I made it home stopping into the kitchen to see my mom drinking some tea. "Hey, mom." I said and she smiled over at me.

"Hi, sweetie. Someone dropped a gift off for you. I put it on your bed. Looks like an early birthday present."

"Cool." I said walking away and heading into my bedroom. It was a medium size box with a silver ribbon bow moved across it. I untied the bow before opening the box. I picked it up and it was a dress. I recognized the dress. I put the dress back at the mall. Weird. I picked up the card opening it to see the receipt fall out of the card. I looked back at the card reading the note on it. 'I hope the thought really does mean more. Even threw in the receipt to help.' I don't know what this means. I put it all back in the box and put the box under the bed. I don't know what that is and I don't want to. I have more things to handle.

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