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I love Thanksgiving. The day of food. No one can judge you for eating too much. They judge you for not eating enough. I shine on days like this. "I want you to stay." Carter said holding me close to his chest and I giggle letting myself get comfortable again.

"I can't." I said looking up at him. "There are only three days a year my mom gets to demand we all be home all day for family time. Christmas, Thanksgiving, and mothers day." I leaned forward pressing my lips against his.

I pulled back and Carter groaned pouting at me. "Why are you so mean to me?"

I laughed pushing myself up from the bed. "I will try to see you again after dinner." I went over to the bathroom.

I was in the shower running out of the hot water when I heard the bathroom door open. I smirked, giggling and hearing the noise outside the shower. "Took you long enough." I said and I felt the cold air as the shower opened. Carter wrapped his arms around me placing kisses onto my neck. "You're so clingy." Carter chuckled.

"Well, you aren't a fling anymore. This is what you get when you want to be my girlfriend."

I smiled. "Call me your girlfriend again."

"You're my girlfriend." Carter whispered and I laughed. I could listen to that all day. I convinced myself that he would never say that. I stopped letting myself think about what it would be like to hear him say it.


I was finally dressed and I threw my bag over my shoulder about to leave. "Okay, bye." I said giving him one last kiss before walking towards the door. I felt him grab my hand pulling me back towards him.

"One more." Carter said kissing one more time with one hand on my cheek and the other wrapped around my waist. I felt myself starting to melt into him.

I put my hands on his chest before pushing myself away from him. "Bye!" I said before quickly walking out of the door.

I made it home and I could smell the food in the kitchen being cooked. It smells amazing. Which only means one thing. "Grams!" I cheered walking into the kitchen and I was right. She was standing in the kitchen in her apron as she cooked dinner.

"Sweet potato." Grams said walking over putting her hands on my cheeks giving me a kiss on one. She moved back giving me a suspicious look. "What's your boyfriend's name?"

I chuckled. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh come on, I know the look when I see it." My grams walked back into the kitchen by the counter and I followed her.

I went over to the fridge opening it to see chocolate covered strawberries. I love chocolate covered strawberries. I took one of the strawberries before shutting the fridge door. I went over leaning against the counter next to my Grams while she was working on the turkey. She's always been the best cook. "Carter Baizen," I said and she looked over at me. "That's my boyfriend."

"Baizen. That's a good family." Grams said with a smirk on her face.

"Stop smirking at me like that." I said and I heard the sound of the elevator. "I wasn't the last person home?"

"I'm pretty sure that Sebastian went to see a girl." I scoffed. "Your mom won't be back until closer to dinner with a surprise, Alanna wanted to get some notes from a classmate, god forbid that girl take a break off studying."

"That's what happens when you wanna be a brain surgeon." I said finishing my strawberry and throwing it away.

"And your dad-"

"Was waiting for his introduction!" My dad yelled, making me jump and look over at him. He was standing here with his hands in the sky.

"Daddy!" I shouted running over to hug him.

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