Chapter 36: Back Home From A Night Out With Friends ⚠️🍋Lemon🍋⚠️

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(A/N: I tried my best to do a lemon because we all know I can't write a story on my oc I made as a love interest for Ein and not try to do a lemon with it hehe😏. As awkward as this will be for me I'll my best heh. I mean I wrote one in my ES Ein x Reader but that was kind of in the heat of the moment literally because in that chapter Ein went into heat from being pet for to long heh, and I just kind of got carried away and went to far with that Ein x Reader scene. But aside from that I'll try my best to write a Lemon with my oc this is gonna get awkward at least to me heh and not gonna lie probably pretty cringey since it's only my second time writing a Lemon by like I said I'll try but the lemon part will be later for now think of it as chapter 22)

-Ein's POV-

I had ordered Luna another drink as I said I would but also ordered myself another one. Which honestly I shouldn't have Luna was right I did have enough but insisted on buying myself another and now that I drank it I was now feeling real sick to my stomach I didn't tell her though because I didn't wanna make her worry.

That's when I couldn't take it I tried forcing it back but I was now burping and hiccuping

Luna: "Babe are you feeling alright"

Ein: "Yeah" *burps a little* "Oof excuse me I'm sorry"

Luna: "You sure"

Ein: "hicc...yeah"

Luna: "hmm" "Baby are you sure you feel pretty warm and you're kind of breaking a sweat and look more pale than usual kind of like what happened at the amusement park on starlight after the rides"

Ein: "Yeah I'm just...hicc...drunk is all"

Luna: "Ok"

That's when I felt it coming up

Ein: "Hey...hicc...Darling~ I'll be right back"

Luna: "Where are you going"

Ein: "I've...hicc...gotta go to the bathroom"

Luna: "Alright just try not to fall I'll stay here"

Ein: "I'll...hicc...try not to Darling~"

I then go off to the bathroom because the alcohol had gotten to much for my stomach to handle and I felt like I was about to throw up and I did.  I then thought to myself as I sat on the cold tile floor of the bathroom with my arm resting on the toilet seat as I lean against it holding my head from the sever dizziness I felt "Ugh...I..hicc...really shouldn't have gotten another drink my poor...hicc...stomach but I at some of it out of my system" "Damn Luna's right I really need to....hicc....learn my boundaries with...hicc...drinking

As I was sitting there I felt myself get another sudden urge of sickness making be burp from the queasiness which I then throw up again. "Ugh...oof" I then place a hand over my stomach to try and calm it down "this is at all"

Then I realize "Oh I'm gonna have a major hangover...hicc...headache tomorrow." And sarcastically say to myself "Yay I...hicc...can't fucking wait that's...hicc...Always sooo"

-Luna's POV-

As I sat there alone I started to worry about Ein because he's been gone for a while and knowing how drunk he was I knew he had either fallen or was throwing up so just Incase I ordered a 7up for him as I sat there waiting that's when Aph shows up.

Aphmau: "Luna? I thought you and Ein left?" "Also speaking of Ein where is that drunken half brother of mine?"

Luna: "I was gonna leave but Ein persuaded me to stay longer he insisted on buying me another drink but a soda this time heh"  "Also Ein is in the bathroom but he's been there for a while and with how drunk he is he's probably vomiting from drinking to much thats why I have this 7up here just in case so it's just a little something to calm his stomach"

Falling For My Best Friend:💙Ein x Luna💜 (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now