Chapter 30: Taking Care Of Ein Again And He Tells Her His Full Backstory

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-Luna's POV-

I wake up the next day while Ein is still passed out I wiggle slightly to get a look at how bad Ein's slash from Aaron was and honestly it was still really bad the bandages he did himself were rapped horribly and soaked with blood but I understand it's hard to bandage yourself up.

On Top of that he was still bleeding out quite a bit and it's been 2 days no wonder he's fading in and out of consciousness he's still losing quite a bit of blood from that slash.

I couldn't take it anymore and I decided to wiggle from his grip then grab some rubbing alcohol, and a warm wash cloth to clean up the blood.

I then come back and sit on top of his waist like how I did 2 years ago when he was horribly wounded. I began taking off his bloody blue hoodie so I could get to his chest and the bandages so I could heal him and rewrap his bandages

Ein: "Mmph...Darling~ what are you doing I'm not in the mood to fuck"

Luna: "Ha! of course you thought that you dirty little werewolf"

Ein: "What is that not what you're trying to do"

Luna: *blushes* "What No I'm not trying to fuck you you're silly"

Ein: "Really? Because it sure seems like it since you are trying to take off my hoodie which I'm not wearing my tank top under it and from the position you're in it seems like you're trying to ride me"

Luna: *blushes harder* "You Horny Little Bitch" "NO" "For The Love Of Irene I'm NOT Trying To Fuck You I'm Trying To Heal You Like What You Did To Me Yesterday"

Ein: .........

Luna: *sighs* "Look're slowly bleeding out and have been for 2 whole days that's why you've been feeling a little sick and really light headed lately"

Ein: "Oh...Heh...I guess you're right on that" "I'm sorry for suspecting something else that was totally wrong"

Luna: "It's fine baby it's just the way you are and I suspected nothing less from you heh"

Ein: "heh that's also true"

Luna: "Exactly and I wanna stop you from bleeding out before you come close to dying of blood loss again like what happened back in Emerald Forest 2 years ago."

Ein: "Alright"

Luna: "Now let me continue what I was doing"

Ein: "Ok"

I then take off his hoodie and set it aside revealing the horribly wrapped bandages soaked with blood

Luna: "Babe you did good it stopped you from bleeding but there not wrapped very good

Ein: "Look I tried alright it's not easy to wrap bandages yourself ya know"

Luna: "True I've tried and it's way easier to wrap them on someone else"

Ein: "Exactly"

Luna: "here I'll fixed them you need to change them anyway"

Ein: "Thank You Princess~"

Luna: "No problem"

I then start to take off the old bandages it looks like he didn't even bother cleaning the wound

Luna: "Hey babe did you even clean it because it looks like you just wrapped it"

Ein: .......

Luna: "You definitely didn't huh"

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