Chapter 19: Bad Memories

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-Ein's POV-

I see Luna leave the room and once she shuts the door behind her I stand up groaning in agonizing pain to the point that I had to hold my sides with both arms lean forward in a hunched position while I leaned against the wall to support me "Ow Fuck I Still Hurt Like Hell" I say to myself as I clenched my jaw

I had to stand like that for a while because of how agonizing the pain of my injuries were I was legit crying and I never cried form this much pain it was far worse than any of the horrible migraines Michael gave me

The pain was so agonizing because it was the first time I had actually stood up in the mater of a month "Damn it where in the name hell did I put the pain killers" I say to myself I then start looking for them even with the amount of pain I was feeling I managed to find them and took 2 a few minutes go by and the pain had subsided a little

Do I take off my hoodie seeing the neatly wrapped blood stained bandages which made me remember what happened a month ago making my eyes go emerald green with rage at what happened that day making me punch the wall in rage since I remembered I didn't just lose to Aaron but he turned me human instead of just ending me right then and there which also made me remember I was no longer an Alpha either

"Grrrrrrr WHY DIDN'T HE JUST END ME GAH" I yelled in my head to myself making me punch the wall again

That's when I remembered her words as she was taking care of me

-Mini Flash Back-

"Please baby watch your temper and stress levels while you're still healing" "also please don't push yourself or do anything to Major while you're healing either those 4 things will only lead you to your ribs breaking again or your wounds opening up and you'll bleed out again"

-End Of Flash Back-

after I remembered that I once again feel a searing pain where my ribs and cuts were I then look down to see the old badges now had a little bit of fresh blood on them mixed with the old dry blood and think to myself  "Right that's a thing even though I know they're healed because it's been a month but apparently I'm still prone to bleed out again if I don't watch it" I then shut my eyes and take a deep breath calming myself down as my eyes resorted back to grayish-silver and the pain subsided again

I then unwrap the bandages to see the area where my ribs were now had massive bruises so Aaron definitely broke them when he gave me that sharp kick in the stomach and my chest and arms were now entirely scarred up and bleeding ever so little from me doing that small rage out thing but the scars were closed up pretty much all the way *sighs* "She's right I need to control rage and stress while I'm still healing apparently" I say to myself I then finish getting undressed and hop in the shower

30 minutes to an hour go by and I get out of the shower and look in the mirror only to be met with a bit of sadness for 2 reasons one being because I didn't see my ears remembering I was changed human and because even though it wasn't to noticeable my faded blue streak had come out even more soon enough it would fade back to my original hair color but bleached slightly showing a grayish-raven instead of a grayish-blue since you can't exactly wash away bleached hair.

Some may ask do I ever plan on redying my hair and that is a yes but when I have the time and the right hair dye

I then stopped looking in the mirror and started drying off though I knew my hair would stay dripping wet because of how thick it was it took hours to dry completely

As I was drying off I hear foot steps come up stairs and the door open to Luna walking in on me not wearing anything that was extremely awkward we were both a blushing mess and I had no  idea why because she's seen me naked before because of the two 1 night stands we did back in high school...heh those were Fun~ But anyways I think we were both a blushing mess  and really weirded out because we haven't Fucked since high school

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