Chapter 3: Ein's Back Story

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-Ein's POV-

Hi my name is Ein and this is my part of the story. As you know from Luna's back story I'm her puphood friend and she is my puphood friend. Luna is also my beautiful mate or as what I like to call her my Alpha Female and I'm her Alpha Male.

Luna practically told the whole story on her life and on mine based off what I told her about my life or what I remember of it. I'll get to why I don't remember a lot of my life as a pup a little later in my story. I'm just here to tell you guys a little more of the bits and pieces that Luna left out then the story will go back to her perspective and it will be from her perspective from there on.  Also in my part you will hear a lot of the same things you heard in Luna's backstory but its just said in my perspective instead of Luna's. Well anyways enough of the present/future lets talk about the past and how I met Luna.

As you know I also grew up in the Western Wolf Tribe but my family was the Omegas of the pack and Luna's family were the Alphas of the pack. So as you can expect my family was not treated very well or equally  from the rest of the pack.

Luna was different from the rest and I can't quite place my paw on why that was or why she was the way she was. She always treated me and my family with kindness as if we were equal to the rest of the pack.

Asside from Luna protecting and loving me which I think is the only good part. My true back story I hate its completely depressing and fucked up and this is because:
1) My dad fucking despises me with all his heart for no apparent reason to the point of abusing me.
2) I don't know my Mother she is unknown by me because she mysteriously disappeared when I was just a pup (or toddler for you so called "Humans" Tch) leaving me with my abusive father.
3) I'm a stupid weak omega so I get bullied and hurt by other werewolves
4) Nobody loves, likes or even cares for me besides Luna
5) I've been in one to many fights with other werewolves which they always blame me for starting them because of the whole Omega thing making others agree with it even though its never really true they always start it most of the time I just fight back in defense
6) I've been heartbroken by Aphmau
7) I have depression cause by my abusive father
8) I'm forced under control by Michael the Demon Warlock himself
9) I've been attacked by an entire wolf pack in Emerald Secret
10) And I've been killed by Aaron in his Ultima form during When Angels Fall

*Lays Ears Back Looking Shy And Sad*
I-I'm sorry if I may have bordered you with my stupid fucked up sad and depressing life of a backstory.

Anyways, Luna would stand up for me when I was bullied or being picked on by the rest of the pack she even fought for me a couple times. Luna always had my back, she was always protecting me, helping me and I don't know why.

So I got curious one day and asked her why she did what she did.  Luna then told me why she was doing this and it was because of her kind heart and that she belived no one should ever be an omega

she also told me she wasn't an ordinary werewolf she was a hybrid meaning she was a goddess that always wanted to protect me and wanted me to be safe. I told her I didn't believe her and if she really was a goddess to prove it to me.

she did she showed me her goddess powers and she then told me that she could hide her wings when she wanted to hide them and that she could do that with her ears and tail as well she was a special werewolf.

After that I believed her and it was true. Luna told me to not tell any of the other werewolves in the pack or any werewolves, humans, or Meif'Wa about her secret about being a hybrid half wolf half goddess and I never did her secret will be forever safe with me.

Then soon after that Luna stopped hanging out with me and I didn't know why. So I went to her house to ask her why and her parents answered the door and said to me that they didn't want their daughter hanging out with an Omega like me and slammed the door hard right in my face. Leaving me outside the door and walking back home crying. The truth is that I started to fall in love with her. That is why I was so sad.

After that since Luna was no longer by my side any more cause her parents won't let her near me the bullying and all the mean things by the other pack members started up again causing me to become even more depressed.

They would say things like "Oh look, the poor Omega doesn't have his little Alpha friend to help him out any more!" and "Poor stupid Omega all alone. whatcha gonna do without your Alpha girlfriend to help you out and tell us what to do and not do!" and then they just laughed at me teasing and bullying me more and more as I got older.

The other pack members then would start to talk smack and trash about Luna causing me to get even more angered and say to them yelling at them more so"DON'T TALK BAD ABOUT MY LUNA SHE IS MY ONLY FRIEND WHO ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT ME UNLIKE ALL OF YOU JERKS AND SHE IS YOUR DAMN ALPHA"

I would also say in my most serious and scary voice without yelling "If You Talk Bad About Luna One More Time I...Will...Hurt...You...Badly... So Badly You Won't Mess With Me Or Luna Ever Again" They would then say "Ooooh I'm Soooo Scaaard" in the most sarcastic way and then start laughing at me again. Which caused me to get so angered that I would always end up fighting with them you now the basic werewolf fights such as hitting, punching, throwing out the window, Ect.

This actually always ended up in me hurting them badly causing me to get into more trouble than I already have been I mean I did warn those jerks of werewolves but they didn't listen to me because I'm an Omega Tch.

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