Chapter 9

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I hold Joshua's hand in the ambulance, tears streaming down my face. The ambulance personnel tried to talk to me, but I couldn't speak properly, and I feel numb.

That idiot saved me, risking his own life. I told him to stop pretending to care about him and first thing he does is throwing himself in front of a car to save me.

It's all my fault. I'm such a stupid f***ing idiot, blindly crossing a dangerous street as if I'm the female main lead in the drama's Jamie watches. But this is not a drama, this is reality. And I am not sure whether it will end well.

What if Joshua gets a serious, long lasting handicap? What if he has to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life? What if... what if he doesn't make it?

No! I don't want to- I can't think about that.

We reach the hospital soon, the brancard is rushed inside, I follow behind it. I can't go into the operating room, so I stand outside, feeling lost, useless, helpless.

What if I killed him?

Suddenly, a nurse with long red hair sits next to me, putting her hand on my shoulder. 'Are you okay?' she asks.

'I- I am, but Joshua...'

'I don't know how he is right now, but I assure you that we are doing everything we can, and I will keep you updated.'

'Why are you not in there?' I ask, which is unreasonable, since she looks like a nurse and not like a surgeon. I just don't know what to say, or what I am thinking right now.

'My patient is right here.' she says. 'Let me treat those wounds.'

It's only then that I notice the abrasions on my arms and legs from the fall, and my hands are burning red. Suddenly, I cringe at the stinging pain I was numb to before.

'Come with me, we don't want those to get infected.' the nurse says. 'What's your name?'

'Jay.' I say without giving it a second thought.

'That's a cool name. And what pronouns do you go by?'

I blink in confusion, no one has ever asked me that before. But when I notice that she look serious, I hesitate for a bit and then reply.'


'Okay Jay.' she smiles at me. 'My name is Lara.'

I just nod.

After my wounds have been treated, Lara asks: 'Joshua... what is your relationship with him?'

'He's my best friend's brother.' I say.

'Oh, would you like to call your best friend? And should we contact his parents too?'

'I will call Jamie.' I say. 'About his parents... I'm not sure if he'd like them to know. Their relationship is not splendid, actually.'

'Hmm, let's judge that after the surgery. If it's truly life-threatening, I think they need to know. If it's not, we can let him decide when he wakes up?'

I nod. 'Yea... and his brother knows anyway, so...'

'Oh, and do you think anyone else should be contacted?'

'Yes, his friends and flatmates. I have the number of one of them, I'll call him. Then they will make sure the people who need to know know.'

'Okay, that's good. Do you want to call them right now? It might be nice for you if you're not alone, because I have to go now.'

'Yeah... bye, and thanks.'

'No problem, it's my job!' Lara disappears.

I unlock my phone with trembling hands and call Jamie.

'Hey Jay, what's wrong?' Jamie asks.

'Joshua... he got in an accident... he saved me.' I stammer.

'Where are you right now?'

'The hospital.'

'I'm on my way.' Jamie ends the call. I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a second.

I have to call Jake now.

'Hi milady! I missed your voice.' he says in a flirty tone.

'Shut up.' I say.

'Sorry!' Jake laughs, making my stomach turn. He doesn't know about Joshua, but his flirting is exceptionally disgusting in this situation. 'Why did you call me? Miss me?'

'In your dreams. Jake... I'm in the hospital.'

Suddenly, it is very quiet on the other side of the line.

'I'm fine.' I reassure him. 'Just a few abrasions but Joshua-'

'What happened to Joshua? Why are you with him?'

'He's my best friend's brother. He wanted to send me home, and-'

'You KNOW him? And you didn't tell me?'

'How is that RELEVANT right now, you a**h*le!' I lash out at him. 'He is in the surgery room, in a coma. I don't even know whether he will make it and you-' Tears are streaming down my face again, that... that jerk!

Suddenly it's so silent that I can almost hear the clock in their apartment ticking the seconds away.

'Jake?' I ask.

'Oh... sorry.' His voice suddenly sounds quiet. 'I can't make it, I-I have something to do, but I can send Ian and Mike over. Nick is working.'

'Can't you cancel whatever you have to do?' I ask, slightly disappointed. 'Joshua is in danger, and you're his friend, right?'

'I'm sorry... I-I really can't. Which hospital?'

After telling him, I hang up. Strange, Jake's voice suddenly changed so much. Was it because I lashed out to him? No, he sounded worried. But if he was worried, why does he not try to come here?

I stand in front of the closed door to the operating room. In there is Joshua.

Joshua... saved me.

It still doesn't get through to me. It feels like I'm trapped in a nightmare.

I sit down in front of the operating room, back against the wall. I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them tightly, staring at the closed door, silently hoping Joshua and I can get out of this nightmare.


Word count: 917


Lara will always be one of my favs <3

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